Buying Bupe in other countries?

Author: rule62

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:54 pm

Yea, I too would like to know the answer to that one. But from what I’ve read in the past, Bup is easier to obtain here in the U.S. then it is in Canada or Europe. It may vary in Europe depending on where you are but it seems it is really restrictive everywhere else but here. It’s treated more like Methadone is treated here. Reporting every day or only getting a couple of days worth.

If there is another country that lets people buy it freely I’d love to know too.

Relocation to avoid triggers…

Author: finallyachance

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:01 pm

A therapist told me that one time because I am the master at moving. I must say though in the defense of a geographical change can be a good idea. I have spent half of my life in a small country town in Western North Carolina and the other half of my life in Daytona Beach Florida. My addiction is heightened and on red alert when I am in Daytona. Reason being this is where my most recent and most debilitating events occurred in my addiction. I have more using buddies to include family and the life alone in a faster paced town is a trigger for me. I have no recovery success in Daytona and here in North Carolina I have at times been able to avoid using etc… I am not saying I cannot live sober or on MMT in Daytona successfully but as Golden said I need more added to my recovery than just MMT when I choose to live there now or in the future.
But with all that being said Yes, it was very important and useful for me to move back to Western North Carolina putting space between me and people, places and things when I decided to get off dope. (I know that comments a bit “steppy�, but I do believe that twelve stepping can assist us in recovery) If I would have delayed moving and/or stayed, I am sure to say, I would not have two years under my belt in MMT. But moving was only a part in the success, but like I said, it was a necessary part at that time and space in my life. I think anything new we try is an effort and effort is good. Where the wasting our time and non success is repeating things that have not worked in the past.

Pregnancy and methadone? Newborns and methadone?

Author: hatmaker510

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:37 pm

I haven’t had a child on sub or methadone (at all as a matter of fact), but I’ve learned much about opiates and pregnancy in the last 3 years just from being around this forum. Methadone has been used much longer than sub and has been studied in pregnant women as well. Suboxone/bupe hasn’t had but initial studies only, but they have been positive.

The following is what I gathered from my own research:

Methadone and Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS):
Between 60% and 80% of infants born to mothers using methadone will experience NAS symptoms. Symptoms generally begin within the first 2 to 3 days, but can be delayed by as much as 4 weeks. Symptoms generally endure for between 10 and 21 days, but can last as long as 42 days.

Using buprenorphine during pregnancy can result in neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS):
In clinical studies, about half of babies born to women using buprenorphine suffered from NAS that was severe enough to merit treatment. Women in these studies may have been using other drugs that exacerbated the NAS, and so buprenorphine only may result in NAS less frequently.
Buprenorphine NAS symptoms most typically peaked within 3 or 4 days and dissipated within a week.

"While methadone is the accepted standard of care drug for pregnant opiate addicted women, doctors may, in some cases, decide that buprenorphine is a better choice. Initial case studies of buprenorphine (the active ingredient in Suboxone and Subutex) on pregnant women indicate that it is a well tolerated and effective medication for use by pregnant women."

As you can see, methadone has higher rates of NAS symptoms in newborns than sub does and can be delayed much longer.

This is just informational only and I’m not giving you my opinion one way or the other.

Some of this information is from this website:

I hope this helps.

Reckitt Benckiser Pharmaceuticals Inc discontinuing Subutex

Author: indigochild

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 3:22 pm

R-B is leading the public, Drs., AND patients on the whole naloxone effectiveness deal…maybe they’re hiding or scewing some studies…..someone should file a law-suit…investigate studies they report to FDA *honestly, I don’t take suboxone and don’t know what i’m talking about but it sounds like a good idea

maybe this is why JJ posted "urgent request" thread………….

The black sheep=a lonely child=a confused teenager=an addict

Author: finallyachance

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 3:35 pm

I couldn’t quit obsessing on the new script you failed to get. I kept reading and reading trying to find out if you snuck back in eventually to get them and then when I found out the coroner took them I got pissed. Lol. I would think myself to be passed that but I was reading a post about someone flushing their pills down the toilet and it killed me. Does this ever go away in MMT? It’s not really cravings I don’t think, but it is a bit scary for me because what would I do had I been on MMT and in your situation. I still think I would have took them. I was recently helping a friend by staying at hospice with him while he was there as the family couldn’t but did not want to leave him alone as he was high maintenance and they felt the nurses would not have the time to cater to his needs they way he would want. Anyways long story short, I was jealous every time they gave him dilaudid etc….I rose above it each time and got past it, but I wanted it so bad I could taste it sometimes in my mouth as if I actually was the one who got the shot.


Author: travispnorton

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 4:27 pm


Sorry for the benzo confusion! I thought you were taking benzo’s you had prescribed from a second doctor and had your husband giving them to you, I’m confusing you with this story because I think you also posted comments on that members thread as I did…I stand by everything else, though!


Quitting Suboxone

Author: johnboy

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 5:13 pm

hi mark’. hope you can come off subs with the littlest w/d". i’m not planing on going off yet.
and i’m on 22mg for the past 26 months. but any drug is going to be hard to come off" and subs are
one of the easy’er one’s. except for the possible paws. paws on alcoholism can go as long as 3 years or more.
i believe the docs no if some one is ready to come off this stuff, and be completely safe!! they don’t care as much
about our suffering’. but the risk of relapse or death.

Going to Sub dr tommorow I’m scared

Author: JustMike

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:27 pm

Hi pdm, straight away congrats for taking that step;)

I was a bit nervous as well, I went to the doc today, paid for first visit, asked a bunch of

questions, got asked a bunch of questions. Told the doc I wanted to start in one week, and to

my surprise I walked out with the 30 day script for 8mg 2x a day, along with detailed directions

on what to do to get started. Doc was great not at all judgemental, or overbearing like some

MMT doc’s. Hope your office visit is just as good. All the best to you and your son;)