Relocation to avoid triggers…

Author: finallyachance

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:01 pm

A therapist told me that one time because I am the master at moving. I must say though in the defense of a geographical change can be a good idea. I have spent half of my life in a small country town in Western North Carolina and the other half of my life in Daytona Beach Florida. My addiction is heightened and on red alert when I am in Daytona. Reason being this is where my most recent and most debilitating events occurred in my addiction. I have more using buddies to include family and the life alone in a faster paced town is a trigger for me. I have no recovery success in Daytona and here in North Carolina I have at times been able to avoid using etc… I am not saying I cannot live sober or on MMT in Daytona successfully but as Golden said I need more added to my recovery than just MMT when I choose to live there now or in the future.
But with all that being said Yes, it was very important and useful for me to move back to Western North Carolina putting space between me and people, places and things when I decided to get off dope. (I know that comments a bit “steppy�, but I do believe that twelve stepping can assist us in recovery) If I would have delayed moving and/or stayed, I am sure to say, I would not have two years under my belt in MMT. But moving was only a part in the success, but like I said, it was a necessary part at that time and space in my life. I think anything new we try is an effort and effort is good. Where the wasting our time and non success is repeating things that have not worked in the past.