Methadone Treatment for Long Term Addictions

Whether you are addicted to prescription opiates or street heroin, methadone treatment should be the last choice when seeking help for your opiate addiction. Many methadone treatment centers stipulate that a candidate needs to able to document at least three failed alternative treatments, before being accepted into a methadone maintenance therapy program. The reason for this is that you will still have a dependence on a synthetic opiate and must continue medication for a long period of time. If you have tried, repeatedly, to kick your addiction to opiates and failed each time, it may be time to give methadone treatment a serious try.

Methadone is a synthetic opiate that is used to curb the craving for heroin or other opiates. It blocks the euphoric feelings caused by opiates if you do use, but also allows you to function normally and helps you to maintain an opiate-free lifestyle.

Methadone works by attaching itself to the same receptors in the brain as do other opiates and pain killers.  Methadone does not produce the same sensations as opiates, but also does not leave you feeling physical cravings or intense withdrawal symptoms. It does help you to feel relatively normal and its effects last up to 24 hours, requiring only one daily dose. The effects remain stable so there is no need to continually increase dosage.

Methadone treatment is probably the best option for anyone who has been addicted for a prolonged period of time and who has tried and failed at other treatment options. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a miracle cure; it is still going to take serious work on your part to beat any addiction and the other social or behavioral problems that have accompanied it. Addiction becomes a lifestyle; being around others who are addicted or are regular users, thinking about it, talking about it, obtaining it and preparing it are as much a part of the addiction as the high. These are things that will need to be changed in order to do more than simply abstain from the drug.  If these behaviors are not effectively dealt with, the chances of relapse remain high enough to be considered off the scale. Many patients in methadone treatment programs are dropped from the programs because they do not follow protocols or because they get caught selling their methadone. It can be very difficult to get back into a program once expelled or denied.

 The Different Methadone therapies Available

If you are looking for a short term program, or a quick detox, there are programs designed to quickly take you down to a lower level of physical dependence, effectively lowering the amount of opiates you require on a daily basis. One type of program usually lasts about ten days and will lower the dosage your body needs but not wean you away from your addiction. This is useful if you are using prescription drugs, needing too much money to procure the amount of drug needed, or actually requiring more than your body can tolerate to maintain any level of comfort. These programs will offer you counseling, but generally will only recommend long term therapy and point you toward local NA meetings. Other programs can last from 30 days to six months, with the goal of being drug-free at the end of treatment. All programs provide counseling and follow-up services.

Long term programs will start you at a dose that will help you detox from opiates, then will find an optimum dose that will assist you to maintain a comfortable level of functioning for a long period of time. These programs will generally last a minimum of one year, and many are available for an indefinite period of time. There will be certain criteria that must be followed while in the program; such as regular urine tests; attending therapy sessions either individually or in groups; attending NA meetings regularly or finding and maintaining employment. Most clinics also offer group and individual counseling for your family members, support systems and significant others.

Most methadone clinics are outpatient clinics that will require you to come in daily for dosing and any other treatments or therapy. As you progress through the program, most clinics will eventually allow you to take your medication home; first your weekend medications and eventually progressing to monthly prescriptions.

If you are addicted to heroin or any other opiate, you must first honestly admit that your life is no longer in your control. If you are ready to take back control and make the changes necessary to accomplish this, you are already at the threshold of making a change for the better. If you have tried programs or treatment in the past and failed, it may be time to evaluate the need for methadone maintenance therapy. There are clinics across the country that can help you to beat the addiction that has taken over your life and your being. It takes dedication, perseverance and the willingness to make a real change in your life to succeed, but success is possible and a methadone maintenance therapy program may be the first step in your recovery process.

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Methadone Abuse Grows, Reasons are Complex

Methadone had its start as a synthetic substitute for heroin during World War II. German officials saw the war coming and knew that the country could possibly be cut off from supplies of pain killers made from opium and received from other parts of the world. They set their scientists the task of developing a synthetic opioid, and methadone was the result.

Although Germany lost its patent rights on the drug with its loss of the war, methadone went on to become popular throughout the world as a pain-killer. Its secondary use as a means to help addicts off their dependence on heroin soon became its biggest application. Today in the U.S. methadone is distributed in licensed clinics.

The medicine does not provide the euphoria of heroin or other addictive medicines at the same relatively low doses as the others. Instead a person has to take higher amounts of methadone to feel something akin to a high. This is one of the reasons more deaths from methadone overdose are reported today.

People seeking that high may take a dose of methadone and not notice much reaction. They take more and more until they reach the overdose level. Coma and death can result.

U.S. Government reports show that two types of users tend to abuse methadone. The first is the person fighting addiction to other substances. The second is someone who uses drugs recreationally and may be entirely new to methadone use.

In the first instance, addicts taking methadone as a substitute for illegal heroin may miss the old high and try larger self-dosing. Most people who have been addicted to street drugs for long periods of time just want to keep away the sickness of withdrawal. If they feel the twinges of anxiety that often signasl the lessening of drugs in the blood stream, they may resort to taking extra methadone to keep the “sick” away.

Methadone’s delayed narcotic effect plays a part in overdoses. People, whether addicts or recreational drug users, do not feel a buzz after first taking methadone. They might mix in other drugs such as alcohol and not realize the trouble they are getting themselves into until it is too late.

Naïve drug users who experiment with illegal medicines and street drugs now and then, might be offered methadone at a party, for example. They may already have had some beer or popped a couple pills of some kind. They decide to try the hit of methadone offered, do not feel substantially different at first, ask for more, and end up comatose or dead.

Some addicts fighting abuse through legitimate methadone treatment at clinics may not be able to hold down jobs until they are clean. If they can sell a dose or two of methadone on the streets, they may be earning money from the only source available to them. The problem of course is that they can wind up in prison and the people taking methadone without medical supervision can suffer serious harm.

Sometimes addicts undergoing methadone treatment against heroin addiction supply friends or family members with doses of their medicine. The addicts may be trying to help others who are addicted to street drugs. Whatever the reasons, sharing methadone prescribed for a particular person with anyone else is illegal and dangerous for everyone concerned.

Methadone’s overall effects are similar to, yet different, than those of heroin and other opioids. Someone who has taken a dose may not feel its effects until hours later. It works more as a sedative than a stimulant and someone seeking a buzz may be disappointed.

Since it does have a high ceiling for any feelings of euphoria, officials promoting its use as a legal substitute for heroin were at first surprised that the medicine was moving into the category of abuse. They had thought that its dissimilarities to heroin and other opioids would make it unpopular on the streets.

It is ironic but logical that heroin too went through the same cultural change not long after it was introduced to the public. By the 1800s, heroin was in widespread use in many nations as a medicine to treat pain. For as many people given the medicine by doctors for pain, there were growing numbers of people becoming addicted to heroin.

Advances in medical technology do not keep human nature from complicating the picture. Many people are in pain of one kind or another, either physical or psychological. They want to ease their pain by almost any means possible.

Government regulations can do only so much toward eradicating methadone abuse. Some believe that education is a better response to the problem rather than stricter laws. Whatever the case, methadone abuse is taking many people to the brink of death and beyond.

Anyone addicted to methadone can get help from one of the licensed clinics that dispenses the medicine. Medical professionals can oversee an addict’s gradual regaining of dignity and health. At a clinic used to treating addicts, methadone addiction does not cause surprise, just concern.

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The History and Changes in Treating Narcotic Addictions

Forty Years of Changes in Treating Addictions

Methadone hydrochloride is a drug that has successfully been treating opiate addictions for over 40 years. It is now widely accepted in both the medical community and psychiatric community, as the best treatment for people suffering addictions to heroin and narcotic pain medications. Methadone Maintenance treatment is quickly losing the stigma of being simply the last ditch attempt to treat long term addicts who are seen as a drain on society. Opiate addiction is finally being recognized for the widespread problem that it truly is.

Methadone maintenance treatment means treating the addiction as a disease and recognizing that, like many other medical problems, it may take long term treatment and prolonged use of medication to help the person recover. This is a fairly recent approach to treating addiction. In the past, addiction was treated more as a moral or personal weakness and people suffering addictions were not treated with the respect and understanding they deserved. When the accepted views toward alcoholism started to changed, the views about addiction also began to change. This brought about a search for a greater understanding of what causes addiction and how best to treat it.

Entrance into methadone programs has become easier in the last ten years. Clinics are no longer required to make acceptance criteria as stiff as they once were. This means a person can be accepted into a program without needing to demonstrate a prolonged addiction or a long history of failed attempts at overcoming the addiction without the use of methadone.

Methadone clinics are now available in many small cities as opposed to only in major metropolitan areas. This makes treatment available to people who live in small towns or other rural areas. Because most treatment centers require that a daily dose is taken under direct medical supervision for the first several weeks or even months, clients are no longer forced to move to other cities to receive treatment. Staying close to family members and other support systems can mean a quicker return to a normal lifestyle. Close-by treatment centers can also treat family members and friends who have been directly affected by the person’s addiction.

 How do methadone clinics help addicts?

Methadone is a synthetic substance, which means it is man-made in a laboratory and not the byproduct of a plant. It has been used to treat long term pain because it can effectively treat pain without affecting a person’s ability to function. This makes it ideal for people who have become addicted to prescriptions due to chronic pain. A single dose lasts up to 24 hours and does not require the dose to be regularly raised to achieve the desired effects. It does not, on the other hand, produce the feelings of euphoria created by other narcotic substances.

One of the important properties about methadone is that it attaches itself to the same receptors as other opiates and this action blocks the effects of narcotics if a person uses those substances while taking methadone. This means while the person does not experience the euphoric effects of the narcotic, he or she also does not experience the cravings and physical symptoms produced by withdrawal; the effects of the opiates are lowered, making them less desirable. This effect is most advantageous when addicts are attempting to lower the dosage of opiates that they require on a daily basis; the addicted person will not need to obtain the usual amount of illegal or prescription opiates.

Methadone is taken by mouth in pill or liquid form. This has significantly lowered the incidences of HIV and hepatitis in many cities, both frequently transmitted through the use of shared needles. Because it is taken by mouth and not injected, addicts who can no longer find a viable vein can still take methadone. Methadone is also suggested for pregnant woman who are addicted to opiates because it is safer for the fetus than other narcotics. This treatment is becoming more and more excepted around the world.

Studies have shown that methadone maintenance therapy, in conjunction with intense group and individual therapy and other social services, can successfully maintain a corrective effect, allowing the person to live a normal and productive life. Many people who receive methadone maintenance treatment are able to hold jobs, maintain meaningful relationships and raise families.

With methadone becoming easier to obtain, and more social services available in communities throughout the country, more and more people with opiate addictions are finding the help they need to put their addiction behind and start a life that is not based on drugs. Unfortunately, there are still many habits associated with the addiction that must be broken and changed for methadone treatment to be successful. The addicted person must make major lifestyle changes and stop associating with other people who are part of the past and this is sometimes the downfall of even the most dedicated recovering addicts. It can be very painful to stop being with people who have been a part of one’s life and sometimes even lovers or spouses. It takes determination and commitment to truly beat an addiction, but with the help of community-based methadone treatment clinics , therapy and social services, it can be done.


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Some Drugs Help Addicts, But Bring New Problems of Their Own

Although methadone is a great tool for addicts struggling to escape the clutches of heroin, the powerful narcotic brings with it the danger of a new addiction to the methadone itself. The drug is administered by prescription in federally licensed clinics throughout the U.S. The government regulates it as a controlled substance.

In clinics patients receive specified amounts of the legal methadone so that they can leave behind their dependence on heroin and other illegal opiates. Methadone mimics the effects of heroin and when taken according to medical instructions, can help people leave behind their addictions to dangerous street drugs. Clinics work with their patients to ease them off the methadone gradually in order to avoid the long painful withdrawal from it if it is stopped too abruptly since methadone withdrawal can be even more difficult than withdrawal from heroin.

Methadone’s second major use for pain management means that general laws regarding controlled substances apply. When methadone is prescribed as a substitute for heroin and a way to wean addicts off illegal drugs, however, additional laws and regulations cover its use. Stringent laws are not enough to stem the growing tide of methadone addiction.

The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) reports a rise in the number of prescriptions for methadone as a pain-killer. It can be a godsend for those suffering from pain that cannot otherwise be controlled. Since more of the powerful opiate has found its way into the legal American market, its availability as a street drug has also increased.

People who take methadone on their own put their lives at risk. Government statistics show that since the late 1990s when methadone became popular as a prescription pain reliever, overdose deaths from the powerful medicine have increased. Medical professionals eager to help their patients manage their pain wrote some 531,000 methadone prescriptions in 1998.

This number grew to approximately 4.1 million by 2006. It is not unusual for a prescription medicine to move into the realm of street drug. Popularity of prescription pain medicines makes it much more likely that people will start to deal them on the illegal market.

Heroin in the 19th Century is a prime example. Doctors brought it into use for pain treatment. Extremely effective in its original use, its popularity increased dramatically and many people found themselves addicted to the opioid.

In the early 20th Century, morphine was used throughout the world for the treatment of pain and wounds. Raw opium is its main ingredient. Knowing that a major war was imminent and that Germany could be cut off from its opium imports, the German government encouraged its scientists to develop alternatives.

The German chemical company, I. G. Farben, created methadone in its laboratories in 1937 as a synthetic opiate, originally named Amidon. After Germany lost the war, all German patents were erased, and the United States made the drug available in 1947 as Dolophine. It gradually became known as methadone.

Today’s medical practitioners must be extremely cautious in the dosage amounts they give their patients. Its properties are different from other opioid drugs and ample research findings are available to help explain their significance. Most of the overdoses, however, come from patients who combine methadone with other drugs, or abuse the drug and take more than prescribed.

Street users who take methadone for non-therapeutic reasons run great risk of overdose. If they combine methadone with alcohol, for example, the combination in the blood stream can cause coma and death. Both substances affect the central nervous system, and when they enter the same body, they can alter breathing, overall metabolism and heart rate.

Methadone may be sold illegally in a blend with other illicit drugs such as tranquilizers. Dealers may mix in useless fillers or even dangerous substances. The unknown purity of the street version can led to medical crisis.

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) reports a huge increase in items related to methadone use that have been seized in drug raids and from individual users and dealers. In 2001 some 2,865 items were taken into forensic labs for analysis. By 2007 the number had grown to 10,361, an increase of 262 per cent.

The deaths attributed to methadone overdose have varying circumstances. Although the presence of methadone is detected by autopsy, there are sometimes other substances present that combine to kill the user. Methadone prescribed in clinics is closely monitored, but the powerful medicine bought and sold in the streets can wreak havoc for too many.

Understanding the nature of this powerhouse of a medicine is a first step toward successful recovery from addiction. Methadone remains a great tool for addicts wanting to leave behind their dependence and addiction on street drugs. If someone becomes addicted to methadone bought illegally, help is available at the same clinics that prescribe the drug.

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Methadone Abuse And How To Treat It

For those who are addicted to opiate narcotics, many opt to receive drug therapy treatment in an attempt to beat drug addiction.  Usually this is beneficial and helps thousands to overcome dependency, but for some it can mean trading one addiction for another.  Methadone is an approved drug that is often prescribed for use in helping to relieve the withdrawal symptoms associated with addiction.  A problem occurs when some use this medication in a manner not advised by their physician, such as taking more than is prescribed, or coupling it with other drugs to attain a euphoric sensation.

Methadone was initially, and still is, prescribed to help reduce severe withdrawal symptoms from drugs such as heroin.  It was approved for use by the FDA and has been used for over fifty years.  It is often the fear of extreme cravings, nausea and vomiting, hallucinations, fever and tremors, that keep many for attempting detoxification.  Methadone was beneficial because it helped to reduce or even eliminate some of the more severe symptoms.  Methadone is also use to relieve pain for those who have illnesses or injuries that result in chronic pain.  Long-term use or abuse of this medication can lead to addiction.  Many take it too often, and some take it with other medications.

Methadone, if not taken properly, is a dangerous and potentially life threatening drug.  This is because it comes with a list of potential side effects and some long-lasting effects that are detrimental to one’s health if taken improperly.  Every medication has possible side effects, and methadone is not exempt.  Most potential and serious side effects never occur, and doctors prescribe medications because they feel the benefit of taking it is higher than the risk of not taking a medication that may result in beating dependency.  Some of the side effects include swelling of hands or feet, mood changes, appetite loss, drowsiness and flushing.  Some more serious effects are nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, fluid retention, difficulty urinating, vision problems, headache and weakness.  The potential for serious side effects increases when the drug is taken against doctor advice, which makes the possibility for overdose or death a very real possibility.

As with most drugs, if abuse occurs over a long period, it affects the body in numerous negative ways.  Drugs can remain in the system for years after use.  Drugs lodge in the fatty tissues of the body and can cause damage long after some stop taking it.  We also know that drug abuse can lead to decreased intellect, difficulty learning, and difficulty paying attention and may tamper with memory.  Methadone abuse is particularly dangerous because it can slow breathing down making breathing difficult or impossible.  This is a strong medication, and usually it is only taken once per day.  For those who take it more often, there is a serious chance for overdose, coma and death.

Detoxification is necessary, but it is not recommended for those who have used Methadone long-term to stop taking this medication suddenly.  This is because a slow and steady weaning is safer.  Sudden cessation could mean an onset of withdrawal symptoms like restlessness, sweating and chills, wide pupils and muscle pain.  These symptoms are decreased with a gradual weaning of this medication.

Detoxification is a scary concept for some.  The symptoms can range from mild to severe, but there is help for these symptoms.  There are medications that can help decrease these symptoms, and while some might be fearful of trading one addiction for another, if the medication is taken as prescribed this is usually not an issue.  It is important to take all medications according to physician and label instructions to reduce the risk for dependency and life-threatening side effects.  Detoxification is necessary to rid the body of drug residue, which can increase cravings and cause health related ailments.  Of course rapid detoxification is an option.  This is where all medications are stopped suddenly and completely.  This will of course result in ridding the body of drugs, but should not be attempted alone.  A physician can sit down with you and discuss the best options available for success.

Taking medications that reduce withdrawal symptoms may help to increase success rates.  This is because it helps control cravings, which helps to decrease activities like injecting drugs and obtaining infections like thrombophlebitis, HIV and hepatitis C.  Methadone is still very helpful in treating dependency to opiates and heroin, but for those who end up with an addiction to Methadone, help is available.  Through other medications and the detoxification process, a drug-free existence is possible.  Addiction does not just affect your life, but the lives of those around you as well.  Personal relationships deteriorate, and work relationships may also be negatively affected.  Beating dependency will improve not only the quality of your life, but it may help to save it as well.

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Methadone As Treatment For Dependency

Ask anyone with a dependency problem and they will tell you how life-altering this ailment is.  For those addicted to opioid narcotics, health can suffer as well as work, family, and personal relationships.  Detoxification is the first step in recovery, and often the reason for failure or relapse.  Detoxification comes with many serious withdrawal symptoms, and those who attempt this process alone are often unable to complete it.  Detoxification can be aided with the help of medications designed to alleviate or eliminate withdrawal symptoms.  By making withdrawal symptoms tolerable, it erases the fear involved with this process and raises the chance for winning the battle against addiction.  Methadone is a medication that has been used since the 1960’s to help thousands overcome addiction.  It allows for a slow detox with minimal withdrawal.

When drug abuse is mentioned, we often think of street drugs like heroin and cocaine, but illegal drugs are not the only threat for dependency.  For those suffering from illnesses or chronic injury, pain can be long-term and require pain medication.  Doctors often prescribe pain medications like hydrocodone to alleviate pain.  This medication, depending on the severity and of pain, will likely be taken for an extended period.  Opioid prescription narcotics taken for lengthy periods can lead to addiction.  The effectiveness of pain medication can wane over time, so many will begin to take too much pain medication, or take it frequently against physician advice.  Some will end up with an addiction problem without recognizing the signs.

Methadone works by blocking euphoria from medications.  This makes getting “high” difficult or impossible.  It also decreases withdrawal symptoms and the need for the drug.  This is a potent medication and those taking it must be monitored closely by a doctor.  It can be taken in pill or liquid form and is long acting so it is typically a once a day medication.

Withdrawal symptoms can range from mild to severe and rapid detoxification usually means increased symptoms.  These symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hallucinations, pain, tremors, shakes and itching.  This is not a complete list of symptoms and it is easy to see how detoxification can be a scary process.  Methadone is beneficial in many ways.  First, since it is only taken once a day, this eliminates the need carry the medication with you throughout your day.  It affords privacy by eliminating the need for several doses per day.  If you do not want to let friends or employers know about drug dependency, this medication makes following your normal routine possible.  Since withdrawal symptoms are controlled, working and socializing maintain a possibility.  Severe withdrawal means temporarily withdrawing from life, but Methadone makes this unnecessary.  Drug users are susceptible to HIV and hepatitis via needles or decreased inhibitions and unprotected sex.  Methadone controls the need for the drug, therefore decreasing potentially dangerous behaviors.

Methadone carries its own risk for addiction since it is also an opioid narcotic.  This is usually not a concern if the medication is used properly.  Methadone also has the potential for some side effects, as most medications do.  These side effects range from mild to severe and are usually not a problem.  The more severe side effects, like allergic reaction, require immediate attention.  The mild to moderate side effects include decreased appetite, insomnia, sweats, constipation, irregular periods and nausea.  Moderate signs include vomiting, rash, abdominal pain and water retention.  These symptoms become concerning if ongoing or increasing in severity.  Immediate medical attention should be sought for difficulty breathing, rash, wide pupils, muscle aches and pain, chronic severe headaches, itching or hives.  It is important for nursing mothers to know this drug or any drug can be passed through breast milk, so discuss with a doctor if nursing a child.  This should not stop anyone from taking Methadone, as side effects are rare.  The risk of remaining dependent on opioids is life-threatening and a higher risk than taking Methadone to defeat addiction.

Methadone can only be prescribed by a doctor and those taking it should be closely watched by a doctor.  This medication needs to be taken as prescribed as addiction is possible.  Even though this medication blocks the “high” felt by other medications, it can initially produce a mild euphoria.  This may cause some to increase the dose in an attempt to obtain this feeling more often.  This is potentially dangerous because it can slow breathing long after the medication is taken.  This medication will likely be taken for several months and up to a year, and cannot be stopped abruptly.  A gradual decrease of Methadone is best to avoid side effects.  This increases the likelihood of success and remaining drug-free.  A life without dependency means better health, increased life expectancy, increased work functionality and repaired relationships.  With the use of Methadone, beating addiction is not only possible but it can be done without withdrawal signs and symptoms.

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To Suboxone From Methadone : Should You Change?

To Suboxone From Methadone: What If You Want To Switch?

To Suboxone from Methadone

To Suboxone from Methadone

You may be a person attending a Methadone Clinic and are considering changing you medication to suboxone from methadone. Maybe you are  interested in understanding the differences between methadone and that of suboxone treatment when used for narcotic addiction treatment. Methadone has been around for decades. Suboxone has only recently been used to treat opioid addiction.

There are several things to consider before making a change to Suboxone from Methadone. First, the switch can be complicated by severe opioid withdrawal. Methadone can be increased to a high doses to stop any cravings or discomfort. Suboxone does not work the same way. Many drug users benefit from the resources that are available at a Methadone Treatment Center that are not available with Suboxone treatment.

To Suboxone From Methadone: Medication Problems

During a change from to suboxone from methadone, one may have severe issues with opioid withdrawal. To switch to suboxone from methadone, your physician will have to first remove the methadone and this will cause opioid withdrawal. The way suboxone works, it can only be started once a person is in a certain degree of opioid withdrawal. This is referred to as Suboxone Induction. If a person on Methadone just starts Suboxone without getting off the Methadone, the Suboxone can cause opiate withdrawal on the spot.

Also, if the Induction phase of the change goes as planned, it could be several weeks before one feel comfortable on the new medication. You should be aware that some individuals may never show improvement on the Suboxone. They may just quit it and relapse. They sometimes will opt to go back to using Methadone. You need to weigh these considerations. Are you really willing to go through the chance of these issues occurring?

To Suboxone From Methadone : Methadone Is Stronger

Full mu opioid agonist such as methadone can be more dangerous than Suboxone. It can cause respiratory depression during overdose. However, one benefit of Methadone is a higher dose produces more of an effect for drug users. They usually can obtain relief at some level of Methadone. In fact, under the care of a physician, the level of Methadone can be pushed very high.

For those patients who may not want or need high amounts of Methadone in order to stop cravings or addictive behavior (seeking more medication, continued illegal opioid use, theft, etc.), the change to suboxone from methadone may be a good idea.  Changing to suboxone from methadone usually requires a person being able to reduce their Methadone use to 40mg per day or less. If they cannot get down to this level, they may not be a good candidate for Suboxone.

To Suboxone From Methadone : Other Issues

Although having to go to a Methadone Treatment Center daily is a major issue for many, it has its positive points. Patients having a lot of contact with Methadone Treatment staff are likely to get more of their problems addressed. Other psychiatric concerns such as major depression, schizophrenia, and manic depression will be treated at the center. Individual counseling is usually available for those in need. Even job training assistance may be present.

For those patients who are currently employed or have less severe family and social problems, switching to suboxone from methadone may be worth a try. Contact with a physician is usually once every four weeks when stable on Suboxone. Typically, if a client is needing counseling, they will need a referral to an outside therapist by their physician. Job training is not available in the doctor’s office. However, being on Suboxone has other positives. Not having frequent appointments with a doctor or clinic is a welcome relief for many. Patients feel they have more privacy being seen by their own physician. They don’t want to be seen attending a Methadone Clinic.

To Suboxone From Methadone : Summary

Switching to suboxone from methadone has helped the lives of many individuals who have an dependency to opiates. Suboxone treatment less complicated, appears to carry less embarrassment for patients, and it requires less total time. Not every individual will do well with Suboxone treatment and would be better served with Methadone. Those who don’t have adequate housing, have a high opioid dependency, and have other psychiatric illnesses may do better. Before making a switch to suboxone from methadone, be sure to discuss these issues with your physician.

Suboxone Treatment Directory And Methadone Treatment Directory

Dr. Rich is a Board Certified Psychiatrist with licenses in Texas and Hawaii. He specializes in the treatment of opioid addiction with buprenorphine and runs a FREE locator service to find Methadone Treatment.

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Methadone Therapy | Narcotic Addiction Therapy | Network Therapy

Methadone Therapy Counseling Approach | Network Therapy

Methadone Therapy

Methadone Therapy

This methadone therapy program is aimed at professional counselors and doctors. Some visitors here may find it too technical

This is a review of a program on methadone therapy (counseling) with the use of Network Therapy in the treatment of addiction problems including narcotic dependence. This program was originally from series of videos to help doctors prescribe suboxone for opioid treatment. To view the video you can go here.

I think this webinar is going to be really boring for the average person or patient. That said, it is a good review for therapists and clinicians wanting to know more about methadone therapy (counseling) with network therapy. Dr. Galanter has written book chapters and done research in this area of therapy and his knowledge shows.

For patients who are not wanting to attend individual therapy, step programs, or CBT , this is another choice you can review with your physician. She will be able to provide or tell you a counselor who will provide this therapy.

What is methadone therapy (counseling) using network therapy? It is a very simple idea. Take a client wishing to get off narcotics and build a small group of supportive people they know that will provide support and help. This group will meet regularly with the doctor to discuss their progress. It is a nonjudgemental therapy. Medication: methadone or suboxone may be used with this treatment.

Methadone Therapy (Counseling) with Network Therapy Main Points:

  • Family and Peer support is Network Therapy
  • Review of different types of behavioral conditioning
  • Help lead the individual to remember what triggered the drug use previously
  • Getting network therapy to work
  • How to put together the network with family and friends
  • Monitoring and supporting the group
  • Appointments with the network
  • Use of reinforcements
  • Patient focused, not family focused
  • Partner Involvement
  • Preventing Relapse
  • This does not involve psychodynamic psychotherapy

Methadone Therapy (Counseling) | Network Therapy Review

I found this methadone therapy (counseling) program helpful. I have used this in my own clinic to some extent. I believe that it can be helpful and can be used before other counseling approaches if desired. The main limitation to this network therapy is the availability of the group . It can take a lot of effort to bring together a network, meet on a regular basis, and cover everything. Weekly and monthly visits for all could be a problem. This is a stress on the capability of all those in the group to make the appointments. Despite this counseling approach being nonjudgemental, I do see it as a type of group pressure and accountability. Some clients may want another less stressful therapy approach.

Find Licensed Help With Opioid Dependence

Use our FREE directories to find assistance with opioid addiction. We have three listings: a Buprenorphine Doctor Directory, Methadone Maintenance Treatment Clinics Directory, and Oxycontin Treatment Directory. These directories can help you find drug opioid treatment near you. Dr. Rich writes more on drug addiction including: Buprenorphine Doctor : How Do I Find One?
Other Resources

Network Therapy for Addiction

Using Family and Peer Support To Improve Your Treatment Outcome (pdf)
American Journal of Psychaitry Network Therapy

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Welcome To The Methadone Clinic Directory

Welcome To The Methadone Clinic and Methadone Treatment Clinics Directory

Methadone Clinicc Directory

Methadone Clinicc Directory

If you are looking for a methadone clinic or methadone treatment clinics, feel free to use our free directory to find help by your location. A methadone clinic doctor is a doctor who is trained to treat opioid addiction with the use of methadone. Methadone Treatment Clinics are highly regulated. Although methadone clinics are found in most major cities, they are not in every smaller town.

Methadone is a treatment for opioid addiction in patients that don’t want or have failed suboxone treatment. Methadone has been used in the United States for opioid addiction since the 1960’s. In comparison, suboxone treatment has only been use for this purpose over the last ten years. Methadone Treatment Clinics can help those with painkiller addiction problems, oxycontin addiciton, heroin addiction, and other types of narcotic addictions.

What Is A Methadone Clinic ?

You can find out more here about the Methadone treatment clinics. Methadone is not for everyone. Methadone treatment clinics can be inconvenient to reach since they are not in every town. A methadone clinic has many restrictions on how many times per week one must attend what is involved with the treatment. As a result, not everyone is able or not wanting to attend a methadone clinic.

The alternative of going to a methadone clinic is getting suboxone treatment. This is a newer treatment that can be done from your regular doctors office. Thousands of doctors in the United States now prescribe suboxone for opioid addiction. This has allowed many patients to no longer have to attend a methadone clinic. You would need to discuss with a suboxone doctor if you are right for this type of treatment. You can also use our suboxone doctor directory to find one near you.

Methadone Treatment Clinics : Why Should You Go To A Methadone Clinic?

There are many advantages to methadone treatment. You can find out more about the benefits of methadone treatment clinics by looking at some of the articles on this site. Methadone treatment clinics have been proven to reduce crime, improve employment, and help families heal. Methadone has also been used during pregnancy of opioid addicts. Any methadone clinic should have experience with most any situation and questions you have since they have been around for many decades.

A methadone clinic is not just used for the person who injects opioids. Methadone treatment clinics can be a place to go for those who have become addicted to oxycontin, vicodin, and other pain relievers. Many individuals being treated for chronic pain have an addiction to their medication and are unable to stop the medication when they are instructed by their doctor to do so. If suboxone treatment is not a good alternative for you, going to a methadone clinic for an evaluation may be helpful.

Methadone Treatment Center Directory and Suboxone Doctor Directory

Dr. Rich is a Board Certified Psychiatrist with licenses in Texas and Hawaii. He specializes in the treatment of opioid addiction with buprenorphine and runs a FREE locator service to find Methadone Treatment including Suboxone treatment for opioid addiction. Find a Suboxone Doctor in your area.
Dr. Rich has written more articles on the cost of oxycontin, buprenorphine (Suboxone) including frequently asked questions and a recent post : Signs of Painkiller Addiction

Methadone Clinic and Methadone Treatment Clinics Article Resources

What Is Methadone : Methadone Drug Information

What is Methadone Treatment ? Facts On This Opioid Addiction Treatment

Methadone Side Effects

Methadone Overdose : Signs, Symptoms, and What To Do

Effects of Methadone : More Than For Methadone Treatment

How to Get Methadone : What You Need To Do Legally

Opioid Addiction : 10 Questions For You

Suboxone Detox Instead of Methadone Treatment ?

Methadone : What Are People Searching For On The Web

Suboxone Treatment Methadone Alternative : What is it?

Find A Suboxone Doctor in Your State

Methadone Treatment Cost For Opioid Addiction




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Methadone : What Are People Searching For On The Web

Searching for Methadone on the Web : Google Keyword

Skip and Go Here If You Just Want information On Methadone Treatment

Also, see bottom of post for alternatives to methadone

Methadone : What Are People Searching For On The Web

Methadone : What Are People Searching For On The Web

We just past Google’s 13th birthday and it got me thinking about the Google search volume for methadone.  I got a bit curious at the idea of looking at how many times the word has been used in search over the last month.

The search results indicate that people are first looking for information on simply methadone. The next most popular item is treatment and clinics. The appears to be about 3 million searches per year for people interested in treatment.

Following the first two most popular term, we see interest in withdrawal, and use.  Later, we see searches for related  methadone and suboxone. Then we get into pain treatment, pregnancy, specific doses of methadone, and then other medications.  For more information, see the list below.

Term  Methadone with:                         Monthy Searches

methadone                                            550000
what is                                                   550000
about                                                     550000
methadone methadone                       550000
clinic                                                         74000
clinics                                                       60500
treatment                                               60500
treatment for                                         60500
centers                                                    22200
effects of                                                 18100
effects                                                     18100
effects                                                     18100
withdrawal                                             14800
withdrawal from                                   14800
withdrawal                                             14800
side effects                                             12100
side effects                                             12100
side effect                                               12100
side affects                                             12100
treatment centers                                  9900
withdrawals                                            9900
withdrawals from                                   9900
mg                                                            9900
dose                                                         9900
use                                                           9900
use of                                                       9900
for pain                                                    8100
pain                                                          8100
pain                                                          8100
maintenance                                           8100
dosage                                                     6600
dosage                                                     6600
to suboxone                                            6600
and suboxone                                         6600
suboxone                                                 6600
suboxone                                                 6600
suboxone and                                         6600
suboxone to                                            6600
or suboxone                                            6600
suboxone or                                            6600
addiction                                                  6600
in system                                                 5400
test                                                           5400
program                                                   5400
buy                                                            5400
buy                                                           5400
overdose                                                  5400
overdose on                                             5400
overdose                                                  5400
symptoms                                               4400
symptoms of                                           4400
high                                                          4400
dosing                                                      4400
addicts                                                     4400
online                                                       4400
therapy                                                   4400
10                                                             4400
programs                                                 4400
and pregnancy                                        3600
pregnancy                                                3600
pregnancy and                                        3600
in pregnancy                                           3600
taking                                                      3600
10mg                                                       3600
opiate                                                      3600
liquid                                                       2900
pregnant on                                           2900
urine                                                       2900
testing                                                    2900
doctor                                                      2900
and opiates                                             2900
and morphine                                        2900
morphine                                               2900
dosages                                                   2900
buprenorphine                                      2900
and oxycodone                                      2900
treatment center                                  2900
forum                                                      2900
methadone abuse                                 2900
street methadone                                 2900
doctors                                                   2900
withdrawal symptoms                         2400
maintenance treatment                      2400
and xanax                                              2400
price                                                       2400
interactions                                           2400
withdrawl                                              2400
withdrawl from                                     2400
baby                                                       2400
and alcohol                                            2400
alcohol                                                   2400
alcohol and                                           2400
wikipedia                                              2400
getting of                                              2400
purchase                                              2400

Other Searches Related to Methadone

When people are looking for more information on opioid addicton treatment, they also are wanting other options.  One of the best options is suboxone treatment.  I really like this treatment alternative because is has less risk of abuse and less risk of a lethal overdose.  People can now get suboxone at their own doctor’s office if they are a suboxone prescriber.

Another alternative is the use of Vivitrol. It is an injection of naltrexone, which completely block opioids.  Taking a narcotic for pain for to get high will not work at all while on this mediction.  If a person is on opioids, it will start immediate withdrawals.  This treatment is usually for those already clean or detoxed who need a bit incentive to not use.

Suboxone Treatment Directory And Methadone Treatment Directory

Dr. Rich is a Board Certified Psychiatrist with licenses in Texas and Hawaii. He specializes in the treatment of opioid addiction with buprenorphine and runs a FREE locator service to find Methadone Treatment including Suboxone treatment for oxycontin addiction. Suboxone Clinic in your area.
Dr. Rich has written more articles on the cost of oxycontin, buprenorphine (Suboxone) including frequently asked questions and a recent post : Painkiller Addiction : Top 10 Signs You May Have It

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