Author: Brown Eyed Girl
Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 8:43 pm
Hey Empire,
That really does make perfect sense to me, the physical and mental part of this. I can see where it takes a few days after reducing each dose for the physical symptoms to settle down, and/or go away, but there is usually added time for the mental aspect of the reduction to show itself via the half life coming out. And that must be dealt with too. Yeah, I really do get that, and I do tend to agree with you. I really believe the "perfect" taper, IF there is such a thing, might be to remain on each dose for between 7-14 days or longer, and then reduce again. Yup, makes sense to me all things considered.
My problem is that if I wait for those 7-14 days before I make another dose reduction it would take so much longer than I am willing to wait to get off the Suboxone. I’m only reducing by .063mg doses right now, and if I continue to reduce to zero from the 2mg I began at it would take me another 30-32 dose reductions to get there I figured out tonight. Pretty sure my figures are correct.
And if I wait 1-2 weeks between reductions it would take me between 30-60+ WEEKS to get completely off the Suboxone. I’m just not willing or wanting to wait that long. I want off this stuff much, much sooner than that. So the way I see it I have 2 choices to make. I can either make larger dose reductions to get finished sooner, or take less time between reductions, or both. I just don’t want to remain on this sub for another year. I’ve been on it too long as it is!!!
And if I’m going to be having symptoms along the way, I figure I may as well have them and be completely off the sub. Why suffer all the way down having those symptoms? Just doesn’t make sense to me really. Have symptoms on the sub, or have symptoms while adding up the clean days. Hmmmm???
Guess it all boils down to how bad a person really wants off the sub, and how much they are willing to put up with in the way of symptoms? And this girl wants off it bad right now. So once again it looks like another decision is going to be needed. A change in plans. I’m sorry, but reducing by .063mg seems like I’m NEVER going to get off. It’s really depressing to me.
I’m going to remain where I am for another day and see how I feel. I’m going to make up a new plan for myself and get off this stuff one way or another. I truly appreciate everyone’s thoughts and concerns as you did your very best to give me the best advice and suggestions you have. Every single person here has my very best interest in mind when they advise and I certainly know that. I just have to do what’s right for ME in this deal. Hope everyone can understand that? I’m very hard-headed! LOL.
I’m going to re-evaluate my goals, and come up with a new plan as I said. I will continue to update daily my progress and how I’m feeling. Thanks again to everyone here for all the help. You guys are ALL awesome!!! Please don’t anyone stop posting. I don’t want that to happen, I still needs LOTS of support along the way!