First day with no suboxone.

Author: Cutty

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:05 am

Man, you guys are the shit on this fourm, thats why I had t come back when I made my jump. Thanks so much for your concern. But yeah, I smoke weed everyday, have for about 11years. Wont stop, I find it enhances many aspect of my life. However, it must be respected and used responisibly. You cannot rely on it. Thats what it becomes and abuse relationship with the drug. So., thats my take. Not every recovering addict needs to smoke weed, that high could be a trigger of course. But for me it’s an anti-drug. And shrooms are the same deal I just described with pot, just 1000X more profound. Three good tips and my strong desirre to get
clean are what gave my 2/12 years of sobriety. But this was a few years ago, it’s just an exampe of how certain psycedellics, can work WONDERS for addiction. I’m sure we all know aboit Ibogain. But it won’t magically cure you, you have to have the correct mindset, and want it to work.

Has it been long enough??

Author: Mnbmrc

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:34 am

That’s what I planned on doing. I am going to take something for the last time this evening and then start the subs for the first time probably tomorrow night, depending on if I’m bad enough. I think I will be because as soon as I was up I am in moderate withdrawls. Legs hurt, skin crawls,nauseous, runny nose,watery eyes and yawning,etc. I am just so scared of the precipitated withdrawls I guess. I figured since I had been on the methadone for 7 years it would take longer than this to get out of my system.

New to the Forum And to Sub.

Author: relivinglife

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:54 am

Hello. I am new on this Forum and hoping this will be a good place for support and answers. A little about me and my background.
I started taking Hydro’s a few years back when everything got out of control. At my highest I was taking 8-10 a day. Once I realized that I was not going to be able to fulfill that need of meds I started with the withdraws. Which was HELL.. We all know what and how they feel so I won’t go into that. I looked online for help with WD’s and came across this med called Suboxone. I called a doctor in my area who prescribes this to see if they could help me. They started me off on 8mg once a day. I did the take half the film in the morning and other at night. I don’t really remember about that time I guess I shoved the memory out of my mind.
As it went on I thought I was just fine so I took myself off of it. BAD Idea!!

I ended up using again 8 months down the road. Not nearly where I was but I was using and I didn’t need them.

Now I started abusing Tramadol. When the doctor told me it was not a Narcotic I thought ok I won’t abuse them, it won’t get me "energy" as opiates gave me. Well that was a complete lie. I did get that feeling and ended up taking 400mg a day. I thought I could just end them with no withdrawals and that was wrong too.

I finally looked at myself and the others in my life and said I had to stop this. There has to be a way where I can enjoy my life and energy I do have without the help of the "little white pills"

I have stared back on Sub now. I am on day 3 and not sure what is going on. Since I don’t remember the previous time I don’t know if what I am feeling is normal.

When I take the 1st half about 30-45 mins later I am extremely tired. My heart races and I am somewhat confused. I thought maybe that the dose was to high so today (3rd day) I have cut that in half. I will take 4 small slips throughout the day. I know it takes 3 days for something to take in effect so I am hoping I didn’t screw up my getting better.

All I want is to get my life back in order. I have also set up counciling this time around.

I hope someone out there has went through the same or somewhat the same thing and can give a bit of advice.

Thank you for reading

Under Construction

Author: suboxdoc

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 10:55 am

There will be more upgrades this week. I’m told that the forum downtime should not exceed ‘1-3 hours’, and I’ll try to give a head’s up when that gets close, near the end of the week.

The primary work consists of upgrading to a newer version of phpBB, the program that runs the forum. We are currently using version 2; the newest version is 3 point something. Version 2 has been the same, for the most part, since 2001. The new version has a number of major changes, to the point where there is no automatic upgrade process. Version 3 will be ‘clean-installed’, and then the database from version two will be transferred over– along with all the data that has accumulated over the years.

I’ve delayed this step for a number of reasons. The process is complicated, for one thing. Jamez has done amazing things with version II, keeping it running well for the past 6 years, and adding customizations that allow for video posts and chat, for example. It is expensive to pay someone to manually re-write, in a few days, all of the countless small improvements that Jamez added over six years! I considered starting with a new theme and letting the forum grow from scratch…. but I realized, as i went through different themes and colors, that the present forum is just how it should be.

I haven’t yet pulled a winning lottery ticket (to be honest, I never buy lottery tickets). But a couple readers have been generous over the past year or two– donating enough to cover the cost of moving to a new server last month, and to cover the costs for the current renewal process. THANK YOU– I really appreciate your help.

I’ve also been fearful about losing data. Your posts and responses create a database of wisdom that holds great value to visitors wanting to learn about buprenorphine. I am doing everything I can think of– back-ups of back-ups– to make sure we don’t lose anything. There is one issue I cannot avoid….. there will be a window of time that might be lost this week, lasting from an hour to a couple days. The old database must be saved and transfered to the new forum. Posts in the window of time between saving the database and turning on the new forum might be lost. I’ll minimize that time the best I can, but if you happen to write ‘the mother of all posts’ this week, consider making a copy so that you can re-post if necessary on the new forum.

What do we hope to gain, you ask? The new version of the forum is more efficient, using less code to do the same things, which usually means better performance (i.e. speed). Te new verson has modules that improve search engine performance. For example, the URL’s for different pages of the forum can include the topic on that page, instead of just showing indecipherable number/letter combinations. Other modules provide one thing or another; I’ve mentioned sharing buttons (like twitter) and generally hear negative feedback, but there may be something down the line that we all decide to be an interesting addition to the forum. There are also a couple small issues that I’m told can be fixed; the header not reaching all the way across the page in some browsers, the flash of code that appears after saving a post….

I ask for patience through downtime, if it were to occur. Please send me an email ([email protected]) if you have any problems that last more than a couple hours.

Finally… those of you who read this long clearly have an interest in this forum. I ask that each of you do what you can to improve our circulation. If you are out of the closet with your addiction and have a large following, consider ‘liking’ the forum, or tweeting about it. If you have your own web page, consider adding a link to the forum. If you have your own blog, add the forum to your blogroll. The forum represents the interest of more and more individuals in a given topic; express that interest by spreading the word about the forum. I have a few very interesting topics on the docket at the ‘talk zone’, that I hope will be discussed here—-such as studies of the emotions and personalities of people on long-term buprenorphine, vs those on other opioids or in ‘step-based recovery’. Results from a number of interesting clnical trials are starting to appear in the literature; the challleng is to interpret those results intelligently and to separate ‘what we know’ from ‘what we think we know.’

Addiction continues to be the ‘big frontier’ of medicine. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and observations here, on SuboxForum.


Quitting Cold Turkey — My Withdrawal Diary

Author: Fiveseven15

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 1:56 pm

good on you! get some immodium and supplements ready also. and as much as i hate to say it, i think that restful legs homeopathic stuff actually works. RLS always broke me when i tried to kick. i figured homeopath was a bunch of bull….a memory of a chemical or something? wtf? it actually helped me though.

i’m on day 14 right now, and jumped at 2mg. music has helped me tremendously, as well as exercise. it might suck to get started but i’ll put hard cash down you’ll feel better after a short workout and a shower.

positive mental attitude. remember it. repeat it.

i really have no self control, i always ran out of subs 2 weeks early and the docs kept filling. i stopped because of opioid-induced hyperalgesia. 2 days after stopping subs i was pain free. really weird.

hang in there. dont worry about yesterday, or tomorrow.