Quitting Cold Turkey — My Withdrawal Diary

Author: Fiveseven15

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 1:56 pm

good on you! get some immodium and supplements ready also. and as much as i hate to say it, i think that restful legs homeopathic stuff actually works. RLS always broke me when i tried to kick. i figured homeopath was a bunch of bull….a memory of a chemical or something? wtf? it actually helped me though.

i’m on day 14 right now, and jumped at 2mg. music has helped me tremendously, as well as exercise. it might suck to get started but i’ll put hard cash down you’ll feel better after a short workout and a shower.

positive mental attitude. remember it. repeat it.

i really have no self control, i always ran out of subs 2 weeks early and the docs kept filling. i stopped because of opioid-induced hyperalgesia. 2 days after stopping subs i was pain free. really weird.

hang in there. dont worry about yesterday, or tomorrow.