Science Be Damned: Americans Prefer Broken Method Of Heroin Treatment, Survey Finds

In developed countries around the globe, the standard of care for opiate addiction is what’s known as “medically assisted treatment.” Under a doctor’s supervision, people with addictive disorders are prescribed medications like methadone, buprenorphine and Suboxone, which remove the cravings associated with opiate addiction.

In the U.S., however, by far the most common form of treatment is based around the concept of strict abstinence. Advocates of the abstinence model consider the use of Suboxone or methadone to be tantamount to using heroin itself. Many in the medical establishment oppose the abstinence model — as do officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration — and a recent Huffington Post investigation found t…

Science Be Damned: Americans Prefer Broken Method Of Heroin Treatment, Survey Finds

In developed countries around the globe, the standard of care for opiate addiction is what’s known as “medically assisted treatment.” Under a doctor’s supervision, people with addictive disorders are prescribed medications like methadone, buprenorphine and Suboxone, which remove the cravings associated with opiate addiction.

In the U.S., however, by far the most common form of treatment is based around the concept of strict abstinence. Advocates of the abstinence model consider the use of Suboxone or methadone to be tantamount to using heroin itself. Many in the medical establishment oppose the abstinence model — as do officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration — and a recent Huffington Post investigation found t…

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The Untapped Potential of Office-Based Buprenorphine Treatment

Opioid abuse and dependence are reaching epidemic proportions in the United States, resulting in a staggering number of overdose deaths and economic costs that exceed $56 billion annually. Medication-assisted therapies, such as buprenorphine (Suboxone) and methadone, represent the most efficacious treatments for opioid dependence. Office-based buprenorphine treatment is especially well positioned to provide a rapid response to the opioid crisis, particularly in rural areas where efforts to expand methadone clinics often face sizeable barriers and opioid-dependent patients are widely dispersed throughout a large geographic area. However, there has been increasing concern that these life-saving medications are severely underused. (Source: JAMA Psychiatry)

The Untapped Potential of Office-Based Buprenorphine Treatment

Opioid abuse and dependence are reaching epidemic proportions in the United States, resulting in a staggering number of overdose deaths and economic costs that exceed $56 billion annually. Medication-assisted therapies, such as buprenorphine (Suboxone) and methadone, represent the most efficacious treatments for opioid dependence. Office-based buprenorphine treatment is especially well positioned to provide a rapid response to the opioid crisis, particularly in rural areas where efforts to expand methadone clinics often face sizeable barriers and opioid-dependent patients are widely dispersed throughout a large geographic area. However, there has been increasing concern that these life-saving medications are severely underused. (Source: JAMA Psychiatry)

Pharmacokinetic interaction between HCV protease inhibitor boceprevir and methadone or buprenorphine in subjects on stable maintenance therapy

There was no clinically meaningful impact of boceprevir on methadone or buprenorphine pharmacokinetics, suggesting that methadone/buprenorphine dose adjustments are not required upon coadministration with boceprevir. Individual patients may differ in their clinical experience and clinicians should maintain vigilance when coadministering these medications. (Source: European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology)

Pharmacokinetic interaction between HCV protease inhibitor boceprevir and methadone or buprenorphine in subjects on stable maintenance therapy

There was no clinically meaningful impact of boceprevir on methadone or buprenorphine pharmacokinetics, suggesting that methadone/buprenorphine dose adjustments are not required upon coadministration with boceprevir. Individual patients may differ in their clinical experience and clinicians should maintain vigilance when coadministering these medications. (Source: European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology)

MedWorm Sponsor Message: Directory of the best January Sales in the UK. Find the best Christmas presents too.

Past-year gambling behaviour among patients receiving opioid substitution treatment

Gambling participation of the OST patients seemed to be somewhat similar compared with the Finnish general population, but gambling problems were more common among OST patients. Gender and age may not be very strong indicators of risk while screening problem gamblers among OST patients. Institution of a problem gambling screening program is recommended, and additional intervention for gambling problems should be implemented for that need as a part of OST. (Source: Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy)

MedWorm Sponsor Message: Directory of the best January Sales in the UK. Find the best Christmas presents too.

Past-year gambling behaviour among patients receiving opioid substitution treatment

Gambling participation of the OST patients seemed to be somewhat similar compared with the Finnish general population, but gambling problems were more common among OST patients. Gender and age may not be very strong indicators of risk while screening problem gamblers among OST patients. Institution of a problem gambling screening program is recommended, and additional intervention for gambling problems should be implemented for that need as a part of OST. (Source: Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy)

MedWorm Sponsor Message: Directory of the best January Sales in the UK. Find the best Christmas presents too.