Expanding Substance Use Treatment Options for HIV Prevention With Buprenorphine–Naloxone: HIV Prevention Trials Network 058

Conclusions: Participants receiving BUP/NX 3 times weekly were more likely to reduce opioid injection while on active treatment. Both treatment strategies were considered safe and associated with reductions in injection-related risk behavior. These data support the use of thrice-weekly BUP/NX as a way to reduce exposure to HIV risk. Continued access to BUP/NX may be required to sustain reductions in opioid use. (Source: JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes)

Expanding Substance Use Treatment Options for HIV Prevention With Buprenorphine–Naloxone: HIV Prevention Trials Network 058

Conclusions: Participants receiving BUP/NX 3 times weekly were more likely to reduce opioid injection while on active treatment. Both treatment strategies were considered safe and associated with reductions in injection-related risk behavior. These data support the use of thrice-weekly BUP/NX as a way to reduce exposure to HIV risk. Continued access to BUP/NX may be required to sustain reductions in opioid use. (Source: JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes)

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Buprenorphine-Naloxone treatment of prescription opioid abuse: does past performance predict future results?

Authors: Langleben DD
Misuse of prescription opioids is a national public health problem: In the United States, according to the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 4.5 million, or 1.7%, of persons aged 12 or older reported current nonmedical use of pain relievers, and 335,000 reported currently using heroin. This is an upward trend, as heroin use has more than doubled since 2002. Transition from ingesting or insufflating (ie, snorting) prescription opioids to snorting or smoking (ie, inhaling the fumes) heroin has become more common and is driven by the increasing purity and lower cost.
PMID: 25742206 [PubMed – in process] (Source: Journal of Clinical Psychiatry)

Buprenorphine-Naloxone treatment of prescription opioid abuse: does past performance predict future results?

Authors: Langleben DD
Misuse of prescription opioids is a national public health problem: In the United States, according to the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 4.5 million, or 1.7%, of persons aged 12 or older reported current nonmedical use of pain relievers, and 335,000 reported currently using heroin. This is an upward trend, as heroin use has more than doubled since 2002. Transition from ingesting or insufflating (ie, snorting) prescription opioids to snorting or smoking (ie, inhaling the fumes) heroin has become more common and is driven by the increasing purity and lower cost.
PMID: 25742206 [PubMed – in process] (Source: Journal of Clinical Psychiatry)

MedWorm Sponsor Message: Directory of the best January Sales in the UK. Find the best Christmas presents too.

Buprenorphine-Naloxone treatment of prescription opioid abuse: does past performance predict future results?

Authors: Langleben DD
Misuse of prescription opioids is a national public health problem: In the United States, according to the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 4.5 million, or 1.7%, of persons aged 12 or older reported current nonmedical use of pain relievers, and 335,000 reported currently using heroin. This is an upward trend, as heroin use has more than doubled since 2002. Transition from ingesting or insufflating (ie, snorting) prescription opioids to snorting or smoking (ie, inhaling the fumes) heroin has become more common and is driven by the increasing purity and lower cost.
PMID: 25742206 [PubMed – in process] (Source: Journal of Clinical Psychiatry)

MedWorm Sponsor Message: Directory of the best January Sales in the UK. Find the best Christmas presents too.

Buprenorphine-Naloxone treatment of prescription opioid abuse: does past performance predict future results?

Authors: Langleben DD
Misuse of prescription opioids is a national public health problem: In the United States, according to the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 4.5 million, or 1.7%, of persons aged 12 or older reported current nonmedical use of pain relievers, and 335,000 reported currently using heroin. This is an upward trend, as heroin use has more than doubled since 2002. Transition from ingesting or insufflating (ie, snorting) prescription opioids to snorting or smoking (ie, inhaling the fumes) heroin has become more common and is driven by the increasing purity and lower cost.
PMID: 25742206 [PubMed – in process] (Source: Journal of Clinical Psychiatry)

MedWorm Sponsor Message: Directory of the best January Sales in the UK. Find the best Christmas presents too.

Buprenorphine-Naloxone treatment of prescription opioid abuse: does past performance predict future results?

Authors: Langleben DD
Misuse of prescription opioids is a national public health problem: In the United States, according to the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 4.5 million, or 1.7%, of persons aged 12 or older reported current nonmedical use of pain relievers, and 335,000 reported currently using heroin. This is an upward trend, as heroin use has more than doubled since 2002. Transition from ingesting or insufflating (ie, snorting) prescription opioids to snorting or smoking (ie, inhaling the fumes) heroin has become more common and is driven by the increasing purity and lower cost.
PMID: 25742206 [PubMed – in process] (Source: Journal of Clinical Psychiatry)

MedWorm Sponsor Message: Directory of the best January Sales in the UK. Find the best Christmas presents too.

Medication-Assisted Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder: Review of the Evidence and Future Directions

This article reviews the current evidence for medication-assisted treatment of opioid use disorder and also presents clinical practice imperatives for preventing opioid overdose and the transmission of infectious disease. The evidence strongly supports the use of agonist therapies to reduce opioid use and to retain patients in treatment, with methadone maintenance remaining the gold standard of care. Combined buprenorphine/naloxone, however, also demonstrates significant efficacy and favorable safety and tolerability in multiple populations, including youth and prescription opioid–dependent individuals, as does buprenorphine monotherapy in pregnant women. The evidence for antagonist therapies is weak. Oral naltrexone demonstrates poor adherence and increased mortality rates, although the…

MedWorm Sponsor Message: Directory of the best January Sales in the UK. Find the best Christmas presents too.