Evaluation of an inpatient medical withdrawal program in rural Ontario: a 1-year prospective study.

CONCLUSION: The MWSS shows positive outcomes for many clients, their families and communities. Clients returned to work and school, became more engaged in healthy meal preparation and exercise, spent more time with family and were more involved as leaders in their communities.
PMID: 26160514 [PubMed – in process] (Source: Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine)

MedWorm Sponsor Message: Directory of the best January Sales in the UK. Find the best Christmas presents too.

Evaluation of an inpatient medical withdrawal program in rural Ontario: a 1-year prospective study.

CONCLUSION: The MWSS shows positive outcomes for many clients, their families and communities. Clients returned to work and school, became more engaged in healthy meal preparation and exercise, spent more time with family and were more involved as leaders in their communities.
PMID: 26160514 [PubMed – in process] (Source: Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine)

MedWorm Sponsor Message: Directory of the best January Sales in the UK. Find the best Christmas presents too.

A case of rhabdomyolysis associated with severe opioid withdrawal.

CONCLUSION: A review of the literature was completed on severe cases of precipitated and spontaneous opioid withdrawal followed by a discussion of the significance as it relates to this case.
SCIENTIFIC SIGNIFICANCE: Given the widespread use of prescription opioids and opioid maintenance treatment, physicians should be aware of the complications of acute opioid withdrawal and should be equipped to treat these complications. (Am J Addict 2015;XX:1-3).
PMID: 26095066 [PubMed – as supplied by publisher] (Source: American Journal on Addictions)

5 Ways We Can Reduce Drug Overdoses

Fatal drug overdose has reached epidemic levels in the U.S., surpassing vehicle-related deaths in 36 states, according to a new report from the Trust for America’s Health and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. In a separate study, researchers found that drug overdoses in the United States tripled in the last 25 years.

The two-fold tragedy of the epidemic in the United States is that overdose deaths are preventable, and they often start with good intentions: Both reports concluded that increasing abuse of prescription opioid painkillers are to blame for these staggering numbers.

“Our health professionals’ well-intentioned approach to treating people’s pain can sometimes lead to unintended consequences and exposing an individual to the risk of addiction or overdose,” Dr. Hillary Kunins, …

5 Ways We Can Reduce Drug Overdoses

Fatal drug overdose has reached epidemic levels in the U.S., surpassing vehicle-related deaths in 36 states, according to a new report from the Trust for America’s Health and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. In a separate study, researchers found that drug overdoses in the United States tripled in the last 25 years.

The two-fold tragedy of the epidemic in the United States is that overdose deaths are preventable, and they often start with good intentions: Both reports concluded that increasing abuse of prescription opioid painkillers are to blame for these staggering numbers.

“Our health professionals’ well-intentioned approach to treating people’s pain can sometimes lead to unintended consequences and exposing an individual to the risk of addiction or overdose,” Dr. Hillary Kunins, …

MedWorm Sponsor Message: Directory of the best January Sales in the UK. Find the best Christmas presents too.