Trouble tapering from Suboxone. Request help please.

Author: Brown Eyed Girl

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 8:43 pm

Hey Empire,

That really does make perfect sense to me, the physical and mental part of this. I can see where it takes a few days after reducing each dose for the physical symptoms to settle down, and/or go away, but there is usually added time for the mental aspect of the reduction to show itself via the half life coming out. And that must be dealt with too. Yeah, I really do get that, and I do tend to agree with you. I really believe the "perfect" taper, IF there is such a thing, might be to remain on each dose for between 7-14 days or longer, and then reduce again. Yup, makes sense to me all things considered.

My problem is that if I wait for those 7-14 days before I make another dose reduction it would take so much longer than I am willing to wait to get off the Suboxone. I’m only reducing by .063mg doses right now, and if I continue to reduce to zero from the 2mg I began at it would take me another 30-32 dose reductions to get there I figured out tonight. Pretty sure my figures are correct.

And if I wait 1-2 weeks between reductions it would take me between 30-60+ WEEKS to get completely off the Suboxone. I’m just not willing or wanting to wait that long. I want off this stuff much, much sooner than that. So the way I see it I have 2 choices to make. I can either make larger dose reductions to get finished sooner, or take less time between reductions, or both. I just don’t want to remain on this sub for another year. I’ve been on it too long as it is!!!

And if I’m going to be having symptoms along the way, I figure I may as well have them and be completely off the sub. Why suffer all the way down having those symptoms? Just doesn’t make sense to me really. Have symptoms on the sub, or have symptoms while adding up the clean days. Hmmmm???

Guess it all boils down to how bad a person really wants off the sub, and how much they are willing to put up with in the way of symptoms? And this girl wants off it bad right now. So once again it looks like another decision is going to be needed. A change in plans. I’m sorry, but reducing by .063mg seems like I’m NEVER going to get off. It’s really depressing to me.

I’m going to remain where I am for another day and see how I feel. I’m going to make up a new plan for myself and get off this stuff one way or another. I truly appreciate everyone’s thoughts and concerns as you did your very best to give me the best advice and suggestions you have. Every single person here has my very best interest in mind when they advise and I certainly know that. I just have to do what’s right for ME in this deal. Hope everyone can understand that? I’m very hard-headed! LOL.

I’m going to re-evaluate my goals, and come up with a new plan as I said. I will continue to update daily my progress and how I’m feeling. Thanks again to everyone here for all the help. You guys are ALL awesome!!! Please don’t anyone stop posting. I don’t want that to happen, I still needs LOTS of support along the way!



Author: Fiveseven15

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 11:08 am

Eveleivibe wrote:
Thanks for such such lovely n supportive replies to my thread. It’s kind n thoughtful of you all. I think I will just tell her I’m not ready but I’m scared she’ll think I’m pulling a fast one or just drug serking. Cause someone I’ve used codeine onto of it (stupid i know n it just made me depressed anyway) but she was concerned n said you may as well eat a load of sweets n thats when she asked how would I feel if I reduced in a month from 8 mg to 6mg. I kind of sat there shocked. She said "we can discuss this next time". I don’t think she’s going to be impressed when she finds out that I didn’t want to continue a relationship with a peer mentor they had found for me. The reason for this was that the person was a retired nurse who had never Had an addiction. I’d like a peer mentor who I can relate to who is an addict. But they do not seem to understand this. They said as these people have been in contact with people with active addiction that they probably have more knowledge than I do. Uh EXCUSE ME???
Am I wrong here. Surely it’s right that i’d want an addict to mento me. Plus first thing she said to me (on the street£ was "i know you you n you know your parents." I clammed up after that. She then proceeded to tell me how confidentiality was her main priorty.
I get the feeling my key worker doesn’t want me near addicts for some reason. She doesn’t me to go on forums n wants me to keep everything separate. Unfortunately I have to keep seeing her or I won’t get my suboxone but I feel like she wants me make loads of changes really quick n it’s overwelming me.
Take care everyone,
Evey xxxxxx

Most sub docs still believe that subs aren’t THAT abusable from what I’ve experienced, so diversion is the only thing they usually worry about, again in my experience. I think the doc will be more than understanding. Remember, you’re not the only one that has gone thru this, ( I mean that in a supportive way) so I’m pretty sure the doc has seen the disadvantage of dropping doses before people are ready.

I’d still try taking 6mg by yourself. Physiologically with sub half life your receptors wouldn’t even know the difference until a couple days in, but I’ve found out this is much more a mental game than physical ( not to dismiss the physical part, but mental state is way more important I think)

Without suboxone…

Author: MovieMaker1

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 3:45 pm

Without suboxone, what kind of recovery would you have?

Many people are tapering and jumping because they feel fine and went to a few meetings, but have no idea how they will feel off suboxone.

I just want to post this due to my experience and thousands of others…

I got off for almost a year. I don’t take anything other than suboxone when on it. That’s how this works best.. But… I started using other drugs and finally opiates again. I remember always telling people about how much better I would be (emotionally, mentally, and spiritually) if I would just go back to suboxone.

I didn’t do any recovery work on myself at all, just took suboxone, and thought I was good to go after a couple years.

It’s so important to remember to still work on yourself while on this stuff. That’s what it’s for. To get you better faster so you can focus on yourself.

So. I didn’t want to die. I started back on suboxone and really started educating myself and working on my recovery full time.

That was the best decision I ever made.

If you want to do what I did, good luck with that, it sucks a lot. For a long time.

But if you want off and plan to stay clean and off suboxone, you gotta plan on being totally, full on, all the way, involved with a 12 step fellowship.
That’s how that works. You don’t just get better by taking suboxone and can just put all this behind you after a couple years.

Again. This is my experience and opinion. I just watch it happen to many addicts on here, in clinic, Ect. I have watched too many die because they felt like it was "bad" to take this medicine.

Get over it. Get better. Get happy.

Or don’t.

Lets be honest, we like Suboxone because it gets us high.

Author: Eveleivibe

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 4:25 pm

Hiya movie,

Thank you for your reply n understanding. I been on suboxone for two months. I been drinking 1-2 bottles a night n still been on codeine. I been abusing my antidepressants at times. I can’t seem to stop myself.
Someone said if I carry on thay they will take my suboxone off me. I’m frightened as I’m on 8mg suboxone n I don’t what that would be like if that stopped it. I’m kinda scared. I can’t seem to stop doing all this. I just feel empty inside n the drink helps me somehow connect with my emotions. I know i’m wrong with what I’m doing but I don’t know how to stop. I just feel so empty inside just on suboxone – not warm n comforted like a huge, thick blanket is protecting me against the world the way codeine made me feel n all these thoughts of having stronger opiates.

Surely the suboxone should stopping the craving for codeine???? I’ve had 32 n+ today which is 12.8 codeine n 200 inoprofen n ive had 2 bottles of wine.

Just want to be happy. Im with drug n alcohol service n the problem is I am a people pleaser n do whater to please them. So i tell my key worker what i think she wants to hear. You see my parents ried forcing me of codeine when they found out – came into my house, took the codeine, i had to go there 4 times a day n I felt like I was on eggshells (never want to go through that ago but I broke down after a week of being sick first due to withdrawal n then to overdosing big time on iboprofen not having the guts to go hospital cause I’d taken 64 nurofen plus in one day n the next day some more nurofen plus n 2 bottles of codeine linctus (each contacting 200ml (600mg) codeine. I broke down n told my mam everyone how i’d order 112 60mg codeine fortnightly costing $257.

My life is a mess I’m on 8mg suboxone why am I thinking of codeine? (Even more so after alcohol.

I’m so very sorry about rant. I need help so much n people keep losing patients with me. But no 1 understands. No one Sad

Evey xxxx

new to suboxone! couple questions!

Author: tinydancer

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:39 pm

I can’t say for certain if it’s Suboxone related but you’re not the first person to mention Edema related to starting/ taking subs and you won’t be the last.. It could very well be a reaction in some cases.

(the list goes on..)

Doctor J blogs about it here but I believe his theory is that we’re all addicts and don’t really realize what pre-existing conditions we have prior to sub use. (Any side effect possibly relating to sub use gets a big eye roll around these parts..)

Buprenorphine leading to social anxiety / depression?

Author: Fiveseven15

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 6:24 pm

TeeJay wrote:
I think the main thing about online dating is its convenience, and the lack of effort that needs to go into it. I’ll admit I met my current partner online, but that’s not much of a glowing endorsement for online dating. I’ve used this forum to vent about it quite a lot.

truer words have never been spoken lol

i met my wife of 13 years from an online date with one of her friends’ friends’ lol. A/S/L?

My mood on Suboxone thus far…

Author: Fiveseven15

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 6:49 pm

MovieMaker1 wrote:

You can’t possibly say that suboxone makes you stay home, not meet other addicts, become a part of society. Another case where I truly believe that it’s either an underlying problem that needs looked at or lack of real acceptance. I used to think recovery stuff was worthless and crazy, but now it has turned my life inside out. I feel great alot of the time now. That’s why I recommend it. Just a thought.

When I first started subs up again after a crazy relapse I was outgoing like crazy and getting into all sorts of trouble…the problem is to this day I can STILL get euphoric from it. But after a while all I wanted to do was stay home and melt into the couch, I didn’t work a recovery program though, I did some IOP stuff from inpatient rehab but I didn’t really feel ‘connected’ to anyone there….subs DID make my testosterone plummet into the low 100s though and made my sub doc think I was on roids even though I lost 35 lbs being on subs for 18 months.

Advice for guys on subs: get your testosterone checked. It made a pretty big difference for me. Just stay away from the androgel. It’s messy and I don’t feel it’s as effective. Plus if you live with a female you gotta separate laundry and all that

Help? To stop suboxone or not to stop, that is the question

Author: Romeo

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 7:45 pm

Holy Smokes Anabel, I love your last post!! You resisted the urge to use and that’s phenomenal!!!

You should print out your last post and glue it to your forehead cuz it is awesome!!

And, your last post helped me, too. I’ve been off Suboxone for a good while now, but I still need reminders like the ones you just provided, so Thank You!! Wink