72 hours since last dose of suboxone

Author: Pleasepassby

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 11:18 am

Hey everyone! I just wanted to follow up and thank everyone for the support it does get better! I still get minor cravings but that’s it hope everyone is doing well I’m 18 days sober and honestly I think the sneezing and runny nose I’ve been getting is from allergies no more aches and pains got my sleep back only had Rls for a day or two my stomach stopped bothering me and my appetite is back you can get threw it honestly I know I’ve only done oxy for a year and got on subs just to tapper for 3 weeks but I’m thankful for having my life back by the end of that year I was in debt and lets just say I’m glad I quit when I did not worried about bills as much anymore and it’s nice to have the extra green in my pocket lol if anyone has any questions feel free to message ill be away for a week but well check in when I get back…..thanks again everyone!!!

Taking Suboxone for severe depression

Author: Ggeo

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 5:15 pm

Hi, just checking in.

A few days ago I was feeling ….I dunno..a little off, so I took 2mgs that morning. Got a teeny bit jittery but nothing else. Next day I took 2 mgs again and didn’t feel that well that evening …kinda nauseous? so I’m back down to 1mg. I think I read somewhere that for many people 1.26 mgs is the perfect amount! How they get there I’ve no idea but I bet that’s the case with me. For now I’m just going to stick to the 1mg and maybe once in a while take a 1-1/2 if I feel the need.

But all in all 1mg really keeps things smooth with no side effects at all.

It’s so weird to feel normal! Isnt that sad? Haha…

Suboxone treatment program and drug testing

Author: MovieMaker1

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 6:06 pm

I guess doctors have their ways of doing things, but i also feel like this is what happens when you see a doctor that knows very little about addiction at all. They try to overcompensate to cover their ass. They make SURE the patients they do have aren’t using ANYTHING else and are taking around the right amount of sub. It makes perfect sense if you really think about it. Does it suck and keep addicts from getting help? Yes.

My long time doctor works out of an addiction/behavioral medicine center. This is fabulous for suboxone treatment. He is very knowledgeable about addiction and somewhat about suboxone. He makes sure that patients not only take suboxone, but go to meetings and really do something to change their behaviors and ideas. It’s really good… If you take advantage of it, listen, and do what is asked of you…. Also be honest. Those that choose to use and lie. Get booted. Those that choose to lie about their recovery, not go to any meetings, try to change anything, sell suboxone, basically just take suboxone and leave… Seem to always struggle and live in a constant circular cycle.


It’s up to the doctor. But. Their are lots of other doctors. My old doctor that I was referring to first… Charged out the ass and made you take like 3 different tests every time you tested. Sucked. But I see why he did it. Scared away a lot of shady low life’s from using him to get suboxone to put on the streets or give him the run around somehow.

Good luck to you.

What to do…

Author: BeautifulDisaster

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 6:47 pm

Hey brighterdays, i feel for you i really do! I 100 percent agree with the others. If i were on your situation i would find a more understanding dentist (can you give a dentist a bad rating on that angies list website thing?) I got my wisdom teeth extracted when i was 18 years old, and it hurt bad!!! Like freddy crugor took his knife hand and went apeshit in my mouth LOL. Not litterally i was just trying to cheer you up with that, but it was still VERY painfull, my cheeks were swollen up (like a chipmunk) for two days and then it gradually went down. I lived off soup and yogurt for about a week. I wad not an addict at the time of my surgery, and i honestly dont think the first 2 or 3 days would have been bearable for me without the pain meds. I do wish you the best of luck with you situation! Let us know how things turn out for you!

First suboxone appt tomorrow and scared

Author: Romeo

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 9:35 pm

Did you take an 8mg strip? Just curious.

It’s nice to feel normal again, ain’t it!!!!

One Lost Soul said, "I’m really ashamed of how far I let my addiction take me….", I really hope you decide to work with an addiction counselor. Suboxone does a good job of killing the opiate cravings (because it’s an opiate, albeit a partial agonist) and it gives you distance from your active addiction, but it really doesn’t help with why you became an addict and Suboxone alone may not get you to a place where you learn to forgive yourself.

Think of this for a second. When someone "crosses" you in your life, do you usually forgive them fairly quickly? If so, don’t you think you deserve the same level of forgiveness for yourself?

I’m usually a pretty forgiving person, but when it came to forgiving myself for my mistakes, especially related to my addiction, I tended to beat the snot outta myself before I forgave myself for my mistakes and that just makes the recovery process that much harder and longer.

Remember, Be Kind To Yourself and our character defects do NOT define who we are!! Wink

Is Suboxone Right For Me? Need Advice.

Author: Draper7734

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 11:22 pm

I hope I remembered your name right. My short-term memory seems to be gone from these drugs. Your reply was very helpful and useful, I will print it out and take it with me to any appointment I am able to get. Right now, I have no idea how much pain I am in-the Tramadol is exacerbating the pain n order to get me to take more, same thing the Hydrocodone did. These drugs have a "mind of their own" and it’s a devious evil mind.

I am actually afraid of and avoiding the pain of withdrawal. I’ve done it twice and it was the most Hellacious experience of my life. It also took me about a month, not three days, maybe because of my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Then each time I went back to the painkillers anyway.

If I could only go back to my 2006 self and warn myself about what I was getting into when I accepted the prescription for Hydrocodone, it would be so different. If only the doctor prescribed OxyContin, even, I would have known what it was and just stopped taking it after a few days. But, I had no idea what Lortab was and my brain was, literally, injured from the car accident. I was in no shape to research it myself.

I’ll never understand why doctors prescribe this stuff knowing their patients will always get addicted and need more and more or go through withdrawal, and in the process suffer so much and lose big chunks of their life. Taking those pills is like swallowing a bit of a curse that grows overtime into a full-blown crisis.

Does St. John's Wort potentiate bup?

Author: SqueakyCleanKS

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 12:08 am

I just want to ask a couple questions because I dont understand.

•why do you want to potentiate it? To make it stay in your system longer?

•what makes you think st johns wort will work?

•can someone just please explain to me what potentiate is/does?



First time withdrawing, need advice please!

Author: bsouth93

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 12:25 am

Thanks a ton guys. Day 2, and the worst part so far has been the cold sweats and the chills. Mentally I feel terrible, and it’s very hard just for me to peel myself out of bed. Trying to drink as much water as possible and also got some vitamin water. Started taking multi vitamins, will try some B- vitamins tomorrow. Has anyone heard anything one way or the other about niacin? I know people that use to to help pass drug tests because it helps flush your system out, was wondering if that has any application towards withdrawals. Thanks again for the advice.
Oh and I thought about tapering but I tried taking a 3rd my normal dose for a few days and felt pretty crappy, so I figured it’d be best to get it all over with at once instead of tapering over a month and feeling crappy that whole month.