Author: creel1950
Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 2:50 pm
I’ve spent a total of 3 years in jail (spread out over 6 stays), all for prescription fraud. That is, until I found Sub. I actually heard about it in jail during my last time from a guy who was taking them legitimately before he was locked up. He had to go through withdrawal, as the jail would not allow Sub treatment. I thank God he told me about Sub because ever since I went on it two years ago I’ve had no further criminal charges, have stayed out of trouble, and successfully completed my probation (luckily my PO supported Sub use). If the government would just take 10% of the money they are using to warehouse drug offenders and apply it to treatment, including methadone and Sub, I think we would see a real difference in the opiate abuse problem. But unfortunately any voice that raises this point gets shouted down in the court of public opinion. Until the public can distinguish between "criminals" and drug addicts just trying to live, the problem will only get worse.
In the USA jails/prisons are big business. Many are privately owned, and all of them get federal and state money for each prisoner. They have to keep the jails full to get all the money. The private jails are for profit, which is just disgusting to me. The "War on Drugs" is a war against people – people that need help desperately. The more money that is poured into the "War" effort, the worse the problem gets. You have to treat the demand, not solely focus on the supply end of it. It really amuses me how all the coppers think they are making a difference, when in reality THEY are making the problem much worse. But hey, I’m just a criminal. LOL