Friend got violently I’ll taking subox day 1????

Author: Ironic

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 6:57 pm

dotto1 wrote:
I was on suboxone,benzos, and alcohol for about 7 years and been off everything after going detox about 4 months ago. So i been sober for 4 months and feel really good. I tried helping a friend today get off a long oxycodone addition of appoximately 10-15 30 mgs a day. He waited til he was withdrawing and took 8mgs of suboxone. A short time later he was socking wet, had very bad diarear and stomach pains. His chest was hurting from the withdrawals and was very visually sick. He said this happened to him once before when he tried to take them… He ended up taking 4 30 mg pills to try helping him he was so sick. He said he never felt that sick before even if he wouldnt have taking the sub he wouldnt had been that sick.. Does anyone know why this happend and i know your suppost to take it a while after withdrawing for best effects and he did so. I remember it worked great on me using it not even after being to sick. Does anyone know why this is happing and what would be the right amount of subox for a perosn using that much opiotes 300=450 mgs of roxycodone?????

Precipitated withdrawal.

Stop playing doctor.