Why did the lord call my son so early? Horrible disease

Author: hatmaker510

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 11:09 am

There is just an equal chance that winningduhepic has died and this is his mother. If indeed the IP is the same, this could be construed as evidence of that and that she’s using his computer.

I’m officially asking (as a moderator and not as a member) that no one post anything negative here anymore. If you have sympathies to offer, please feel free to post them.

Let’s take the high road, folks. Like Rule said, I’d rather that then take the risk of offending a grieving mother.

Why did the lord call my son so early? Horrible disease

Author: hatmaker510

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 11:09 am

There is just an equal chance that winningduhepic has died and this is his mother. If indeed the IP is the same, this could be construed as evidence of that and that she’s using his computer.

I’m officially asking (as a moderator and not as a member) that no one post anything negative here anymore. If you have sympathies to offer, please feel free to post them.

Let’s take the high road, folks. Like Rule said, I’d rather that then take the risk of offending a grieving mother.