This is why I’m angry

Author: Ironic

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 7:39 pm

badabing16 wrote:
why r people angry about suboxone use…hmmm for starters i am not an opiate addict but my husband is and his addiction has ruined alot in our lives!!!! i am a recovering alcoholic who does a program of RECOVERY… i do not depend on meds to make me better or get me thru pain, anxiety, cravings!!! alcohol withdrawl is the only one a person can DIE from. yet all these opiate addicts can’t stand for 1 second to be sick…like the dr. said there are cancer patients who have to deal with incredible pain on a daily basis, along with the fact that they are dying!!!! i know several opiate addicts who did it the "old fashioned way" The just STOPPED!!!! yes the cravings are there and yes the physical symptoms suck….but it also does coming off of alcohol!! and by working a recovery program those cravings will dissipate. and guess what we don’t have a magic pill to take it away!!! i have been taught that drinking and using are just a symptom of this disease …so get down to the roots and causes,,,heal!!! every person i know who are on subs , including my husband sit back and use suboxone as a recovery…sorry doesnt work!!!! u need to deal with life on life’s terms!!! not to mention the financial burden it has put on us!!! funny how he (and most junkies) always find a way to pay for their script, but when it comes to bills or what have you…well that falls on the usually codependant!!!! i know the doc of the forum is all for it because he himself is a junkie plain and simple and i’m sorry but from my experience ….junkies are a different breed!!! they use the disease as an excuse…"well i don’t have a choice my disease was running my life" well my friend that is why there are programs out there to reduce the voice of the disease. and don’t u think it screams sometimes for us alcoholics? also the doc references subs as a way of saving a persons life…again and again and agian….there are other things, whether it be a 12 step program, religion or whatever that will also save ur life without once again being dependent on a pill!!!! and lastly…i don’t think opiate addicts have a clue what they do to those they love…..the pain the misery the worry are tremendous and for those who are a significant other of an addict who is also in recovery it jepordizes their recovery. every person i know who is on subs does nothing to change the person that they are…the stay sick and expect life to go back to "normal", and us loved ones should not live in the past!!!! i never wish the experience of living and loving an opiate addict on anyone and until u have u have no room to talk. anything u do say is for personal gain!!!

I can’t read your entire post because your spelling/grammar is so atrocious. Also because you are wrong right off the bat.

"Alcohol withdrawal is the only one you can die from."

WRONG. You can die from benzodiazepine withdrawal too.

You sound like you have "special addict" syndrome. Oh I’m sorry, calling you an addict is dissing you, isn’t it? ALCOHOLIC, my bad. You are also wrong about the "magic pill" thing. Many alcoholics use Antabuse, Vivitrol, and other drugs that help them with their dependencies.

Let me guess. Your sponsor told you not to go to college.