That’s it, Im done

Author: Bboy42287

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 8:52 pm

I am no mom but I am an addict and I am sorry I just don’t see being a mom an excuse to use again whether it is one day or 2 weeks! I mean think of the position you are putting your kid in by going back to using opiates again. What if this appointment doesn’t work out Monday than where does that leave you? But having to buy more dope till you hear from your old DR and who knows how long that could take. I just think you are putting yourself at way to much of a risk by doing this like breezy said you can go to the ER and spilt those 3 doses up till Monday it is going to suck but you are not going to relapse.

I don’t know I just don’t get how some people try to justify a relapse!