Author: rule62
Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:53 pm
Hi Tammy and Welcome to our forum! Sounds like you have a solid plan now and will be alright. Just up your dose a bit. You can always taper back down in the near future.
What confuses me on your post and also many others here is the use of the decimal point. In your first post you state that you were taking .5 to .7 of Suboxone. Saying that means you are cutting a 2 mg strip (assuming) in half (1 mg) then half again (.5 mg) How do you get to .7 mg’s? Are you using the metric system for measurement?
My guess is you and a lot of other posters are misplacing the decimal point. Do you mean 5.0 and 7.0 mg’s? Or am I completely off base on this one? You could also be using the liquid taper measurement and that would make sense.
Just trying to clear things up in my head on how much you are taking.
Congratulations on getting down to a low dose whether it be .5 or 5.0 mg’s.