10+ years of 24mg of Suboxone per day, just lost my meds :(

Author: Doober

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 11:59 pm

Wow, thank you so much for all the helpful advice Amy, and Rule and Romeo as well. You are all awesome. I have some good news, finally – I managed to find a handful of my meds that I didn’t realize I still had, there was two days supply left… thank god for that. I know i’m going to have to take WAY less to make it to my next refill, but that I think I can deal with, and still goto work everyday, maybe with some minor discomfort. Much better, I’m quite relieved.

Option 3 btw was never an option for me, I cannot relapse – I know I won’t survive it if that were to happen, though I’m always mindful that its always possible, and do everything I can to keep that from happening, and I have a good support group around me to help keep me in check.

This experience has certainly jolted me a bit. I didn’t realize just how badly my body has become re-wired to work with suboxone, not until I stopped taking it for a couple days. I also forgot how long it actually takes to get into your system – it took over an hour before I felt any level of normality after taking it this evening.

Now hopefully my doc isn’t turned off by this whole ordeal, and maybe it’s time to think about taking less and.. Maybe.. Quitting altogether some day.