Serious Question about Stopping Suboxone – Withdrawal?

Author: invisiblemovement

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:57 pm

Hi, I am new to the forum and having trouble finding a "reliable" answer. (I hope my identity is protected..) I’ve been doing opiates for many years and heavy brown use in the last 1.5 years. I would use subs every now and then when I wanted to switch, but did not commit seriously until recently. After so many relapses and a crucial turning point from college to the real world in the near future, I can assure relapse is not my route – I am sick of the tired, cloudy feeling during use of drugs. I’ve been on an 8mg strip once a day (except I cut it in half – 1 in morning, 1 in evening – or sometimes quarters 4 times a day). It has been a month on suboxone. Here is the question:

Should I stop subs now? As time continues, will I become more dependent on the subs and it will be harder to quit? If I decide to taper over a weeks’ time, what will happen afterwards? Will I be back to "normal"? Or will I have withdrawal?

(I don’t have a doctor) Also, I am a lightweight female.
