Need a SUB Doctor,Have a list of Doc’s but where to start?


Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 11:00 pm

From my experience (which is little) .. just call and ask about prices. Find out who’s cheapest if you are paying cash. From what I gathered in my search there are some sub docs out there that are crooked. The one closest to me is.

Once you’ve found your guy, make an appointment.

When they ask how you found them, just tell them you are ready to change your life for the better. They will treat you like a human. Not a loser.

Hope this helps,


Need a SUB Doctor,Have a list of Doc’s but where to start?


Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 11:00 pm

From my experience (which is little) .. just call and ask about prices. Find out who’s cheapest if you are paying cash. From what I gathered in my search there are some sub docs out there that are crooked. The one closest to me is.

Once you’ve found your guy, make an appointment.

When they ask how you found them, just tell them you are ready to change your life for the better. They will treat you like a human. Not a loser.

Hope this helps,
