Author: Bboy42287

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 3:35 pm

Goinstrong wrote:
Hi Bboy…That is just great to hear how well you are doing!! I’ve been super busy lately and
haven’t been on the forum much. Maybe 2x a week? So I missed your posts! But I’m all caught up
again! Sounds like your life is pretty much riht where you want it right now. It sounds like things
couldn’t be better! I’m looking forward to cuttin down a tree this year too!
Last year the little guy was too young, but this year at Christmas, I cannot wait to see his little
face with the tree and lights, and all the decorations! I go ALL OUT!!!!
Like Orange Doll said, don’t worry about the dose so much. It IS just a number.
You are so smart when it comes to all of this, you’ll know what to do when the time
comes to adjust your dose one way or the other!

Well I was just checking in and seeing how you are! If I don’t talk to you beforehand, have
a happy Thanksgiving!!! Take Care~

Ive really been slacking on the forum of late cityman ill def reply to your post asap when im not on my phone lost post are a bitch to type up.

Thank you so much kelly for checking in you truly are one of the most kind hearted people on here. I bet your going to have a blast this Xmas with your lil guy i cant wait till the day i get to experience that feeling of sharing xmas for the first time once he or she could understand it. But hope all is well ill shoot you a pm to see how your doing when i get a chance.