More bad news

Author: hatmaker510

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 10:20 am

Hmm, so they didn’t hire her because she is in recovery from drug addiction. Interesting, considering that according to the ADA, drug addiction, is sometimes considered a disability, depending on if the person is in recovery and on the specific situation. You can easily look up the ADA and read it. It’s pretty clear when drug addiction is considered a disability and when it’s not. I mention this because it could be clear cut employment discrimination and a lawyer could be consulted. That’s what I would do (otherwise they just keep getting away with it).

On a personal level, I think it stinks that they did that to her. We try to be upfront and honest and peoples’ reactions only serve to push us further and further back into the closet. I really hope something comes her way soon. She has a good friend in you, Lilly.