Methadone to sub. induction in less than a week, very scared

Author: nickbusc

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 6:03 pm

Thanks for the input, as an update… things kinda went haywire at the pharmacy ( all suboxone scripts being covered by my insurance need a prior authorization from your doc in order to be filled and the state is closed on monday the day after easter. and where i am on methadone i dont know if they are going to cover it… either way i will get the perscription if i have to pay cash or not. so as of right now, i am planning on my last day on methadone being tuesday or wednesday. and my induction will be on friday or saturday. i am not planning on staying on sub for more than 3 months TOPS, hoping for more like 2 but i dont want to rush anything too much. my insurance is running out on my 21st bday (July 10th) so that is my last day no matter what, i am simply using the sub. to ease the withdrawal from the methadone. i do not want to start a new addiction. i want nothing more then to be free of all opiates but the sickness and long recovery time scares/depresses me to the hilt. i always thought i was a strong minded person until i tried quitting methadone, i am an emotional wreck crying at the drop of a hat, stressing over what has not even happened yet! i went down extremely fast and it is now catching up with me big time, i feel good all day but cannot sleep more then 1 or 2 hours at a time at night, and i know its going to get worse before it gets better, i just hope i am making the right choice by going on sub, and that withdrawal from that wont be as bad or long as methadone. i will stay in touch throughout my induction.

ps. just read about brigginator, he just did the exact same thing as me minus the fast taper and he is doing well, this gives me a lot of hope.