Is it true sub users over 4 years cant taper & stay clean?

Author: tearj3rker

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 6:32 am

No, it is not true.

It sound similar to the myth I heard in the heroin world that "if you’re still doing it after 30 years old, you never stop." This has been proven to be ridiculous. When I was doing NA meetings, there were heaps of people who got clean in their 30’s, just as many as those in their 20’s / teens.

Myths like these don’t do anyone any favours. For one, how many 30+ year olds might believe that lie and not bother trying to get clean? Similarly how many people on suboxone over 4 years would believe this myth and not try to taper?

People stay on Suboxone as long as they need to, and for some it is over 5 years, and for some it is for life. Fact is, a person is ready to taper when they feel they are ready, whether it’s after 5 days (using it for detox), 5 months, 5 years. And if a person never feels ready to taper, then maybe it’s less harmful for them to just stay on Suboxone.

Like hat said, there are no hard and fast rules in this game. Everybody is different.