In pain and scared

Author: Goinstrong

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 5:50 am

Hi guys. I am going to try to make as much sense as possible. I just got done crying so I’m more than a little upset abou this.

Ok, I have chronic pain. My dose of suboxone is 16mg. Split to 8 and 8. I have consistently had pain in between doses since I began treatment with sub 2 months ago. I have tried taking 4 4 and 8, 8 4 and 4, etc… I finally tried the 8 8 8, and got relief from my pain. Here s the problem. I am going to talk to my doctor today. He had said to me when I was being induced that he does not prescribe more than 16mg, EVER. No exceptions.

I know that my biggest trigger for me to relapse is pain. I am scared to death to talk to him today. He is almost certainly going to say no. I don’t understand this type of thinking. I know that eventually I could probably get my dose down to 4 4 4, but after I am stabilized on the 8 8 8. Does that make sense? I’ve already tried 4 4 8 combination and it is NOT cutting it. I am ok with being on 24 mg. At least for a while. Then, going 8 4 8, or something like that. I hope this is making sense.

I am so scared of relapsing right now. I have got my freaking life together and dont want to give that up over PAIN!!!!!!!!!!! CRAP NOW IM CRYING AGAIN,. Im sorry, i just dont know what to do. My doctor is nice 99% of the time. But as thickheaded as they come. He truly has a one size fits all approach to this. I totally get 16mg being fine, even high, for addiction only. But realisticly, I am new to sub, in pain, and just not ready to taper yet. I am not against it later. But I have to keep my shit together for a little while before I am comfortable with a dropin dose.

I hope this makes sense. Please get back to me. I am so confused and scared. I NEVER want to take painkillers again. I CANT. I will end up eating 20 a day again.