Day 11: Discouraged

Author: sweet16

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 10:11 pm

Dear Finallyoff & jcb1981,
I really believe that you ARE where you really want to be." OFF SUBOXONE". Right. Wouldnt it be really wonderful to be kind to yourself, right now, for this one thing alone? You are doing IT! You are OFF suboxone. So many people wish they could be where you are. BE THANKFUL to yourself. Give yourself a pat on the back. YOU KNOW that this feeling will not last forever. It is impossible. One day at a time. I know you are thru the worst of it. It can only get better from here on out. If you have read any of the other threads about jumping off sub, day 10 is usually as bad as it gets. Try to find the positive in your situation. Same with you jcb1981, give yourself a break and let yourself be happy, be free, enjoy your life. We will never know happiness any other way if we dont allow our joy to shine thru. You guys ARE OFF SUB! It beats being on sub. So be happy.
(sorry if I sound harsh, but I believe in you both)