Alrighty, .25mg once a day~ feeling ready

Author: sweet16

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 10:12 pm

Well, I feel like I am JUST begining to stabelize on my .25mg dose. I will stay here for a while. I think I will heed Taper57’s advise and s l o w it down a bit. I am tired of feeling tired and my friggen back has been killing me. I have not been doing my walks or yoga, (still extremely active with life, work, kids and all) and this may be why I am not experiencing a "speedy recovery" with these past few drops. I know I have been really pushing myself and I am OK with where I am at. I have been having NOT perfect sleep but again I am down on my xanax dose too. I DO wanna be off soon however. I am going on a cruise to Mexico Cinco De Mayo weekend and I DO NOT want to be worried about my sub. or my xannys either. I do not want to be worried about my sub even now, but I am where I am. Well I just wanted to update. No relapse no contact w/ the neighbor, no BS, just moving forward and feeling pretty good aside all the previously mentioned stuff. I wonder if being wishy washy is a symptom of tapering?///