Author: sweet16
Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 4:51 pm
1 week today no sub. Feeling pretty good. I have really set myself up to have an easy transition. Still having some symptoms but nothing cry over. Lastnight I did notice some body sensations in yoga (bikrams/hot yoga). What people describe as the "begining of the flu" Again these are not horrible. I am feeling them today as well. I noticed it more when I got into my hot vehicle. It felt like my body was chilled or at least colder than the truck. Anyway I am more tired today than I have been in the past few days, but I am not stressing. My body is trying to adjust and I am allowing it to go thru whatever it needs. I am being pretty easy on myslef. When I get a burst of energy I utilize it and when I am less energetic, I honor that. My back is still slightly achy, I have sneezed 3 times today, (the fun stuff)That is about it I guess, until next time, Hope everyone has a great weekend.