a mom of an addict who really needs some advice

Author: slipper

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:58 pm

kimg70 wrote:
Hi, my son is an addict, started doing heroin at 16, he is now 21 he also got into oxys and other opiates pretty heavy from what he tells me. he stole anything we had of value over and over again, he swore up and down he did not have a problem, I was the only one who knew better, finally I got tough and told him it was rehab or we weould not have anymore to do with him he finally agreed to go, I was online calling the 1-88 #’s within moments of his agreement, beware of the 1-800 #’s but that is another story, before he went, he begged me for money to go buy a suboxin, this was the first i heard of these but I guess he had been doing them regularly wehn he could for a while, and when his friends supply ran out, he would go into horrible withdrawels, mood swings etc. ( I se this in hindsight) anyway,, he got on a plane for the west coast across the country from us. the first stop was a 7 day detox- I did not know this at the time but the detox consisted of suboxone, then they brought him to the 30 day ctr, this place does not believe in subscribing suboxone, so he spent the next 10 days to current withdrawing from that, he says his chest hurts, the first days he could not eat, sleep , was depressed, it did not get better, the ctr prescribed flexoroll, anti – anxiet , about 6 diff pills, today they told him he was bipolar and add so he is on librium , flexorol, blah, blah, blah, he insists he just needs suboxone and he will be able to focus and function and that he wants to leave, I have been thinking suboxone is what caused all this angst in the first place but reading here I am wondering if I am right or is he? will things get better and is the addict just trying to get out? is he getting more messed uo by this new drug cocktail, should I find a suboxone clinic and try to get him moved? will outr lif EVER be normal, is he truly bipolar , add, blah, blah, blah? he was a normal kid until we moved and other life- changing events occured when he was 13 so I can’t believe he is mentally ill. any help and advice and insight would be greatly appreciated. thanks and God Bless!

First of all I am no doctor and this is just my opinion. I don’t have much for treament centers..I have been in 5 that never offered suboxone and basically just let me cold turkey it without any drugs at all….never worked.

I it were my son I believe I would take him out of that 1500.00 a day center and get him in to see a good suboxone doctor.
If he is addicted to opiates, which it sounds like he is the suboxone will stop his withdrawal, make him feel like his normal self again and not have any cravings for opiates and learn how to live without them. Yes suboxone is an opiate but it is not like the ones he is addicted to. Suboxone does not give you a "high", and the more you take does not do anything for you, you do not feel it, therefore it is easier to stay on the dose the doctor prescribes. Suboxone has been a life savor for me. I was addicted for 29 years and I take 12mg. subutex a day and I have no cravings for my old way of life. I actually have my life back.

This might not work at all for your son but keeping him in a center where they are giving him all kinds of drugs does not sound right….you don’t want him doing the melleril shuffle…."ant" been no place" "ant" going no place"…just shuffling!

Again this is just an opinion for what it is worth. I hope whatever you and your son decide will help him to get well and my thoughts and prayers are with you.
