Author: invisiblemovement
Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 9:55 pm
Hi Lilly it is so wonderful to hear that you found an awesome doctor! Plus, one that says she will help you taper slowly and was able to listen to your story and offer addtional medication for when the time comes to quit. I know the stoned feeling, after stopped subs for 6 days and then starting up again Thursday I also feel stoned when I take it, and then foggy the next day. I also started craving sweets immediately — I ate 3 donuts just today. Plus a big-ass cookie. I am just like you, I get irritable, and then also get scared to not take it. Maybe you are like me and have realized why we want to quit — the tiredness, the irritability, but also realize the bad parts about not having any at all. It is quite the conundrum. It is great that you have a doctor to tell you about these things, and I would love to hear if your fogginess goes away in a few days. The more we can talk about why we want to quit and why we don’t want to quit the easier it will be to continue with recovery.