Author: tearj3rker
Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 6:06 am
Now that things have slowed down a bit, I don’t know if I’m really in a place to say what caused what. Was there valium withdrawal? My doc said I was going manic after seeing me (a bipolar thing) and made me go straight off my anti-depressants and upped the lithium and added seroquel. Juggling bipolar and this liver treatment is turning into a bit of a battle. Only 3 more months to go. The whole thing kinda came to a head after I switched anti-depressants. Things just started going really fast. Sick of this bipolar ride such a biatch (scuse language).
But a week out of that relapse / binge / whatever you want to call it, things are getting better.
Only 3 months to go.