Author: Romeo

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 2:39 pm

I certainly don’t think any opioid pain relievers should be pulled from the market. I do think more thought should go into their being prescribed though.

I, for one, wish I would have known up front how crazy addictive pain pills were. I honestly had NO idea whatsoever how addictive pain meds were before my accident. I wish my doctor would have sat me down and explained the benefits/drawbacks of continued opiate use. None of the doctors or nurses said word one to me about the addcitive nature of pain pills.

I think educating our children to the dangers of using opiates (all drugs) improperly should be paramount. Next, parents need to be made more aware of how dangerous that innocent looking bottle of pain meds in their bathroom vanity really is. So many kids nowadays KNOW to go looking through their parents medicine bottles for drugs to get them high.

It would be nice if our news organizations would dedicate a little less time to Michael Jackson’s doctor and a LOT more time to opiate (drug) abuse and the horrors it entails.