Author: laddertipper
Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 11:36 am
MES999 wrote: |
During my long taper, I looked into all these things thoroughly. Well, I looked into Ibogaine and the Waisman method. They put the implant in after you go through the Waisman thing. I called all around the country for Waisman places and they told me how impossible it was to get off Sub and how there was no other way to do it other than their way. The cost is pretty dang high. It depends where you go. I think the cheapest place was in Michigan or something, but it was still thousands and thousands of dollars. They rapidly detox you, they watch you for a few days, and they stick you back on a plane. My research revealed that most people still feel crappy after those few days and for many days afterward, but you have flown home and you have an implant in you. You are kinda stuck. Even if I did have 20K to spend on a great Waisman place, I didn’t want to go.
Ibogaine…..I considered this, and the cost is much lower. I called a number of Ibogaine places, and they told me that their way was the only way to get off Suboxone and how terrible the Waisman method is. However, it is illegal so you have to go underground or go to Mexico. Both these scenarios are scary. If something bad happens to you, you have rely on the goodness of people you don’t know, either people who are dispensing Ibogaine illegally in the US or someone treating you in a foreign country, to find medical attention for you. This scared me to death. I have a family and there was no way I wanted something to happen to me because I went to go have Ibogaine done in some secret or far away place. The doctors in Mexico seemed fairly knowledgeable. However, the doc I found to be the most knowledgeable explained that they really haven’t figured out how to make Ibogaine work well on Sub patients. So, you have to switch to something like Oxy for three weeks beforehand and they set you up with a doc to give you Oxy. So….go to Los Angeles, go get shady script from shady doctor, take that script for three weeks, fly to Mexico, people you don’t know pick you up, go to Ibogaine place, be administered something that can give you a nasty trip….after you are all done and back home, you need to get boosters of Ibogaine. This scenario was way too uncertain and scary to me. Oh, and you need to have your system checked out first to make sure you can handle the Ibogaine. Specifically, they need to make sure your heart can handle it. It’s no small potatoes.
MES999, I understand wanting to look into some way that will make it easier on you and I did the same thing, but I strongly advise you to stick to tapering and take your time with it. Tapering works and I know because I did it. I was on Sub almost 6 years and I tapered to such a small dose that I literally had next to no w/d when I jumped off. I went around and around with those possibly alternatives, but it all came back to just having patience. Sub’s long half life makes it a doable med to taper off of, aside from the pain of cutting small doses. I’m not saying that there are no shortcuts, but the shortcuts may be not worth it for many reasons. It can really stink to taper, especially if you try to go too fast. I still think it’s the best way, and there’s no absolute deadline, so it’s flexible and safer. Your body needs time to adjust as you drop down on your Sub. Not convinced there is any way around that.