What to do…

Author: BeautifulDisaster

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 6:47 pm

Hey brighterdays, i feel for you i really do! I 100 percent agree with the others. If i were on your situation i would find a more understanding dentist (can you give a dentist a bad rating on that angies list website thing?) I got my wisdom teeth extracted when i was 18 years old, and it hurt bad!!! Like freddy crugor took his knife hand and went apeshit in my mouth LOL. Not litterally i was just trying to cheer you up with that, but it was still VERY painfull, my cheeks were swollen up (like a chipmunk) for two days and then it gradually went down. I lived off soup and yogurt for about a week. I wad not an addict at the time of my surgery, and i honestly dont think the first 2 or 3 days would have been bearable for me without the pain meds. I do wish you the best of luck with you situation! Let us know how things turn out for you!