What did I do?

Author: MovieMaker1

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 8:35 pm

suboxdoc wrote:
If a person uses Vicodin for a year then oxys for a month then dilaudid for a month then methadone for a month—- thinking each time that THIS TIME will be different…. But it always turns out the same… Then he does Suboxone for a month… What, exactly, are people expecting to happen?

New guy– do NOT make the mistake of thinking that there are a bunch of people here who are almost done tapering off Suboxone. There is too much lying with the industry, than to build this forum on lies.

Tapering off Suboxone is very difficult. Those who do taper off usually end back on opioids. According to two major studies this year, people on Suboxone one month who tapered off Suboxone had a 96% one-yr relapse rate. People on it for a year, after tapering, had a 94% one-yr relapse rate.

People in the US are dependent on meds to treat many more minor conditions; nobody thinks less of the dependent on meds for high blood pressure.

You’ll find varying opinions here—- but remember that many people still taking Suboxone somehow considers themselves experts in living without it…. And few of the boasters of sobriety have been off everything for 6 months— let alone a few years! Know your own truth.

Great post. Finally found it.

Please read this entire thread if you have a second. It’s worth it.