what can you tell your family if newborn is treated forNAS?

Author: fingerscrossed2013

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 8:34 am

Thank you for your response honeybun. This forum has been very quiet lately. I would love to hear some updates from some of these pregnancies post delivery. I have read all of the birth stories I had to select from.
I was quite confident that babies were delivered without any withdrawl from sub…but I am very quickly starting to sway the opposite way. It really makes no sense that some do and some don’t. Now I believe they all do, but just to different degrees and some VERY minimal. This is really scary. I can hardly be excited about my upcoming bundle of joy. I am thankful for HIPPA. But it seems that family (especially since I have a N.P. sister) always has a way of getting the medical "dirt". And I am just so scared. Thank you again very much. I still have a ways to go. And maybe my sub doc will have me off of them once I deliver…He is supposed to ween me down.