Want some backwoods, hilbilly BullSH**…& I live near this!

Author: jonathanm1978

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 7:20 am

I for one can’t believe the stupidity here..but it just goes to show the ignorance of people about addiction. This is ABSURD, and it shames me to know I live near idiots of this nature and degree (and even worse, IDIOTS WITH POLITICAL POWER).

Read the story..look at the comments from the mayor…and others..

"but we lost the battle against the state…."
At least SOMEONE in the State has some sense, and pushed it forward…morons..i tell you what!!

I’m not sure who that person was that commented below the post on that site…but they seem to be pretty smart!! (the comments section on the video/story)
