Author: outofoptions
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 5:04 pm
Well everyone I used the oxy for a few days, stayed strong, didnt abuse them at all and didnt go back for more when i was out!!! I am very very proud of myself because oxy was my doc by far!!! The next 2 days after taking them I still felt horrible though and I believe that it did NOT set me back but i wouldnt say it helped much either. I think i may have taken to much per day though. I was takin a 15mg ir every 8hrs or so. The next 2 days I didnt sleep 1 minute through the night, the restless legs were terrible. I am just thankful that I didn’t relapse on the oxy though, I do not recommend anyone trying what I did just because if you don’t have enough oxys to ween yourself completely off of them I dont think it does much good. Now to fill everyone in on my new plan ….As I said when the oxys were finished I went 2 days cold turkey. I had used up all my vacation days at work and had to return back, i knew i couldn’t go the way i felt so I picked up some methadone 10mgs. I started at 50mgs the first 2 days, then 30mgs, and now i am on 10mgs for the next 2 days then I am going to attempt to stay clean! I know all this doesnt sound good and probably sounds as if i relapsed but like i said, i will be staying in touch with everyone and letting you know my progress….and btw just to let everyone know, the reason I had to stop taking my subs at 2mg is because my gf is the one who was gettin the subs from the dr. but she is due to have our baby girl nov.11 and i didnt want her to be born in w/d so we have decided to return to the sub dr. after the baby is born.