Author: Amy-Work In Progress
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:27 am
I would like to recommend a doctor in the Denver metro area, who is accepting new suboxone patients. The doctor’s name is Andreas Eldrich and the name of his practice is Heritage Hills Family Medicine. The phone number is 303-792-3333. Website: 3w’s dot hhfamilymedicine dot com.
The office has Dr. Edrich and his P.A. Nicci. They run an unusual practice in that one of them is always on call, and they provide family medical care along with suboxone treatment. Dr. Eldrich accepts many kinds of insurance for all of his patients.
I have never felt disrespected at all by him or any of the staff there. Dr. Eldrich is very understanding toward his sub patients. He does a great job of explaining what suboxone is and what it does. This was especially helpful for my husband who didn’t know anything about sub. He draws a good mu receptor!
Although I haven’t relapsed since starting sub, it wouldn’t necessarily get me kicked off his program if I did. He seems very collaborative and willing to work with you. His plan is to have me on 16 mgs for 6 months and then start tapering. He does understand that some need to be on sub for life, but his opinion is that I can taper off.
If anyone needs more information or has any questions, feel free to ask. It breaks my heart that some of you have to deal with condescending, cash-hungry, and poorly informed doctors. I think this guy is a keeper.