Author: Cutty
Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 1:21 pm
See, thats the thing. Why is it okay for a resposible adult to go out and buy a 5th of alcohal and get intoxicated, but they are not allowed to smoke joint? Even though we all know that alcohol is physically and mentally harmful, very addictive and intoxicates one far more then pot does. I’m just using this old debate as an example of how assbackward the laws in this country are pertaining to certain things. You should not have to engage in the activity of "street drug buying" to obtain a simple plant. I belive anyone that wants to smoke, should simply grow 1 or two personal use only plants, and be done with it. That would eliminate all of the crime thats assosiated with the illegal marijuana trade. A trade, and a market that has been created by the government by the way. Now, as far as scientific evidence that pot helps with addiction: It doesn;t exist except perhaps on a very small, obscure scale. The government won’t even allow studies on it’s medical uses, even though it’s already been proven by many very prestigious firms(American heart and lung assosciation/American Cancer Insititute, to name a few big ones) that pot has many many many beneficial uses againist some serious disease. We know it can shrink tumors, prevent cartain types of cancer, helps with aids, HepC, MS, ect. Many patients find they can stop, or greatly reduce the amount of painkillers they take because of pot. But just because these studies don’t exist or are not made public, doesn;t mean any of these things are not true. Pot is not illegal because of some huge detremantal effects it has on society or human health or something. It’s illegal because the government makes money off it being illegal, more so then they would by taxing it. Think about it, if some local police force starts a "marijuana task force" the feds will provide all sorts of resources to their police force. New cars, new uniforms, helicopters you name it. it’s just one example of how they profit from fucking over respected, funtional members of society for smoking a bit of pot. It just boils my blood. Anyway, in conclusion I HIGHLY suggest you guys wanting info on the medicinal aspect of psycedellics and pot check out this site You will find alot of scientific info on it, more then I can provide in this post for sure.
We have to know our own bodies, and what will be good, and what will be bad for our own individual self. Thats why they say relapse is part of recovery, you have to get to know yourself, and how your addiction works in your own mind you know? That being said, marijuana has helped me.