Update- 60+ days clean

Author: WantToBeFREE

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 2:10 pm

I concur on with the juicy!

Southjax congratulations on 90 days buddy!

Even more congratulations on saying no to the opana. That’s a difficult situation to be in. I remember my first time jumping off R’s and I had friends that kept using.

I did pretty well for the first… 3 times seeing them. Seeing them nodding and knowing what theyre feeling is hard for us. Now I’m starting to get into situations where my non drug friends from before, are asking me where to get percs and R’s. I just respond with a massive WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING FRIEND.

Keep it up buddy, were reppin’ jacksonville getting clean. Just don’t drive to the west-side.
