
Author: boxer

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 10:19 pm

I have not been on Suboxone strips for very long yet, but I have already noticed that at times, I forget to wait the appropriate amount of time for the strip to absorb. I was told to wait 15 minutes minimum after placing the strip, and to "swish" the saliva for another 15 minutes (if I was able to wait that long, but the doctor said it really made a big differnce in amount absorbed, time in mouth is apprently proportional to absorption) to most of the Suboxone I could.

I have actually found myself actually taking a drink of soda only like 5-10 minutes after dosing, ooopps !! Sad with these incorrect dosings, I noticed that I did not get the relief that I should have like I do when I dose properly.

I was told to never smoke while dosing also.

Now I make certain that I wait the appropriate amount of time b4 swalloing, drinking, smoking, etc..and I can tell a big difference too.

So, not waiting long enough for me a few times caused issues for me w/ Suboxone, just a thought.

I hope everyone is still dosing properly.

I do know it is true also, that once an addict always and addict, and that makes me wonder if the sub is not doing a well as it did, or is it that the newness of the suboxone os now gone, and the brain may be saying "hey, this is not the way my receptors should be, as like they were on the stroger opiates? Maybe the brain never forgets that high feeling from the opiates and has it’s own way of dealing with the new drug by making one think that it (Suboxone) is not working as well?

This may or may not be helpful, just an idea from my experience(s) so far.

I hope it gets better for all of you…

