These damn Restless legs!!

Author: tearj3rker

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 9:42 am

Yeah. It’s the most annoying symptom of opioid withdrawal. The fidgeting and uncomfortability. If my legs were still for more than a few seconds it’d feel like my skin was crawling. Valium is more effective than other benzos for it I’ve found.

Also try the ibuprofen. It would often give me about an hours relief, which can be enough to doze off.

These damn Restless legs!!

Author: tearj3rker

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 9:42 am

Yeah. It’s the most annoying symptom of opioid withdrawal. The fidgeting and uncomfortability. If my legs were still for more than a few seconds it’d feel like my skin was crawling. Valium is more effective than other benzos for it I’ve found.

Also try the ibuprofen. It would often give me about an hours relief, which can be enough to doze off.