These damn Restless legs!!

Author: tearj3rker

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 8:28 pm

It goes away after a bit. It’s a part of the withdrawal. We kinda want to move and kick our legs to relieve the aches. It’s why they apparently call getting off opioids "kicking the habit".

Some things that might help you get by… Have a hefty dose of Ibuprofen before bed. It relieves the aches, which helps with the kicking. Try to get sustained release if you can find it. Also magnesium supplements do have an impact. I was surprised that they had an effect when I first tried it.

My fave thing was to paddle. It was kinda done by moving my feet and heels in a rhythmic paddling motion kinda helped me sleep. I don’t know why. Maybe the repetition was a bit hypnotic? Think of an accelerator and a clutch when driving stick, only with your heels while on your side, and doing it constantly. Anyone who saw me doing it started doing it themselves when they were in w/d’s so it must have done something.

And when all else fails, valium.