
Author: rule62

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 3:45 pm

Good point Tndb. I contributed my low levels to getting older. My levels started dropping after I hit 40. Like you I also started the Androgel and man ‘o man did it help! Felt like I was a teenager again. Then of course it all leveled out and some normalcy returned.

IMO, Sub has nothing to do with my low testosterone. And until there are some studies saying the opposite then that’s my stand. People will blame whatever is wrong with them on whatever new medication they started. I’m not saying they’re wrong, but it’s still too early to tell. And with a lot of afflictions people blame on Suboxone, it may in fact be the naloxone, not the Buprenorphine in the medication. For some reason that is never discussed.

Funny you mention sex drive and Sub. Whenever I stopped my Hydrocodone during my addiction years my sex drive would come roaring back about 3-5 days in. Yea, funny thing, you feel like shit but are as horny as hell! Then you break down and take your pills again and viola, no romping in the hay until the next time you quit. One could say it’s natures way of addicts not being able to reproduce.

Now years later my T levels are good, but now I’m on Effexor. Once again, it goes away, but not completely, thank you very much. TMI once again.

We should have a Men’s section and a Women’s section to talk about this stuff. Hmmm, maybe something to consider in the future.

That’s my 2¢ and I’m stickin’ with it. Laughing