Tapered to 0.6 and just a couple of questions

Author: Redemption

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 3:18 am

hatmaker510 wrote:
The stacking effect is a consideration, but the longer you taper down, the less it will be such a concern. Especially at the dose you’re at now.

It sounds like you spent a year weaning down pretty slowly. This should serve you well when it comes to experiencing withdrawals, both acute and post-acute. It’s more a matter of how slowly someone gets to a low dosage, not how low they get. If someone spent two months going from 16 mg down to 1, but you spend a year getting to the same place, then in theory, you should have an easier time with w/d than the other person.

If you feel better dosing in the evening, then so be it. Whatever works for YOU is best.

You said your head feels a bit foggy. I might have an explanation for you. But first, did you feel that way on higher doses? It’s possible that it’s because you are now below the ceiling (under 4 mg). At such low doses, your receptors aren’t kept saturated so when you dose, you could be "feeling" your dose. It’s pretty normal for that to happen…or I should say, it’s not uncommon for that to happen. This is why for people on maintenance it’s better to be on a dose comfortably above the ceiling to keep the receptors saturated all the time. Right now yours are not and there are lots of ups and downs and that is likely what you are feeling.

I hope this helps. It sounds like you’re doing really well. Keep up the good work. I’m interested to see how your taper continues.

I wish I can share your enthuasim man..But the stories I keep reading are people having this horrible extreme depression once they stop bup. even after a long slow taper jumping off from a really low dose..

Some people say tapering for a year or so only adds more sub time? only adds sub in your system?…Am on 0.5/0.4 now so how long should I take to get to 0? am thinking perhaps 2 months? because this gives enough time for all the previous sub doses and half life to come out of my system correct? or am I simply adding more sub? Thanks for your words and I am really trying my best to be optimisitic, but stories of people feeling bad even after a slow taper dont help..