Author: jonathanm1978
Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 5:54 pm
oclafsti wrote: |
Drugs don’t cause teeth decay directly!!!! It’s the lack of care and what people eat and drink while on drugs that do!! This is the facts, stop drinking soda to cure your cotton mouth and get off the forums and brush your teeth! |
Do you really think that sitting on an internet forum for a few minutes is to blame for people not brushing their teeth?
Did I really just read that statement…insinuating that us, a group of people in recovery who are focused on BETTERING OURSELVES, are the ones having dental problems….
I had dental problems LONG BEFORE I ever joined this forum…and as a matter of fact, long before I ever quit my actively seeking drugs…as most people do as well.
Someone should do some reading and reply with more…subject-pertaining material.
(IRONICally, this sounds like words from a member that is no longer here…but I’m just assuming here. We’re so much fun to be around that I can see why people want to come talk to us)