Suboxone + blurry vision

Author: Dopeless Hopefiend

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:57 pm

Hi Gang,

New to this site and bupe maintenance as well. I am on my 2nd day of 12mg/day Suboxone maintenance and am experiencing blurred vision when I am trying to read akin to shortsightedness I guess. I have a few questions:

Will this eventually go away?
Does this somehow relate to the pinned pupils I am having?
Will the pinned eyes ever go away when tolerance and/or ceiling is reached?I don’t like how this is a dead giveaway of being on opiate containing medication. People are judging me automatically, saying I relapsed again etc etc.

Forgive me if I erroneously put this in the wrong section- was debating whether the Induction Discussion section of the forum was more appropriate.

Stay sober!
-Dopeless Hopefiend