Author: islandirishwitch
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 11:51 am
I have been on Suboxone since March. I had a bit of a problem with prescription pain medicine that was prescribed legitimately. Not that its any different..addiction is addiction. I only mention that because I have severed the "pill" connection and also severed my suboxone connection. That doctor was just too weird and abusive to his staff. Anyway, I started on an 8mg strip twice a day. Every 10 days or so I would drop it a fraction. Went to half twice a day, then a quarter, then a sixth, then an eighth, then a twelfth, then a sixteenth and so on until I was down to a 32nd of strip. The last drop from .25 twice a day to once a day was the toughest for me. Then after I got used to once day, I went to every 18 hours and then JUMPED! Its only been two days but I was having the restless thing at .25mg anyway. I have RLS without withddrawal though so its tough to assess. I did have the first night that feeling when you would fall asleep, I’d jerk awake. I take an old fashioned anti-dpressant at bedtime (doxepin) and that really helps me sleep most of the time so I took a little stronger dose last night and slept fitfully but I have slept like that since I’ve been on opiates. Tonight I’ll take a stronger dose to sleep a bit better. Now the big question is..will I feel worse tomorrow or Friday?? If so, I have a social obligation on Saturday and if I have to, I’ll dose myself with another.25 so I can function. I guess if I do that though I have to start all over so maybe I won’t…just suck it up.