Author: glen bee
Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 3:56 pm
Even dr. Junig has written about his astonishment concerning how differently sub withdrawal affects people. That said, 1/16th of a strip I assume is .5mg (assuming you are talking about 8mg strips)? You should be in better shape than someone who jumps off from a high dose. If I am correct about your strips being 8mg, I would even suggest going lower than that to .25 mg about the size of a confetti- for a full week. I cut the 8mg strip into 8 pieces (1mg each) with an exacto knife on my wife’s graphic design cutting board and than cut each of those into 4 which gives you .25mg pieces. I am on 1.25 mg now myself.
Anyway, at the rate you are going you might be a little tired, little depressed, might sneeze a lot after you jump. Sub wd seems like a drawn out mini withdrawal, the more minimal the slower and lower we are able to taper. It took me approx. 4 moths to get from 8mg to 1.25 for example and I felt nothing so far. I stopped at 1.5 for 2 months because of surgery FYI but I think that will help me. Sub stays stored up in our fat cells, it takes times for them to come out. I’m back tho going to 1mg in a few days.
Good luck,
-glen b